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Rabu, 09 Mei 2012


XML ( Extensible Markup Language ) is as a generation of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language ) and often considered to be substitution of HTML ( Hypertext Markup Language ) because one generation. XML be created as a medium of interoperability between software from different platform.

Stealth Ship

Stealth ship is ship owning ability its existence cannot be seen by radar, and usually its existence in radar be disguised so that similar with fishing boat or another object that not be dangerous. In General, the form Stealth ship likes battleship that other only part of uppermost and can enlarge image of radar ( RCS / Radar Cross Section ) for example emplacement, pillar of mast, all rudal glider be hidden. Some Stealth Ship also use material anti radar ( RAM / Radar Anti Material ).


Soekarno or usually be called Mr. Karno as a the first President of Indonesia and at the same time Mr. Hatta become independence proclamator. As a magnate and be admired many people, Soekarno is true have taft idea and personality. Transmitted charisma never last till now, its bravery to fight of colonist and also value of its patriotism require to be imitated by the rising generation now.

Soekarno born in town of Blitar 6 June 1901 at the time of chicken begin crow to mark sun begin shine, therefore he also be nicknamed " SON of THE DAWN ". Its Father so called Raden Sukemi Sosrodiharjo and its Mother so called Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Though Soekarno born in Blitar but rather passing the time in Surabaya to stay together someone of struggle figure very famous and give many influence at pattern thinking of young Soekarno at that moment, he is H.O.S Tjokroaminoto. In Surabaya, Mr. Karno continue school in HBS (Hoogere Burger School ) a school as a property of Dutch. After finish continue to technical school in Bandung namely THS ( Technische Hoogschool ), graduation and get tittle of Engineer in civil technical field at 25 may 1926.

From its civil technical field, Soekarno more active at the world of politics, possible be insisted on by situation of nation at that moment far gone under colonist. Soekarno develop a organization is PNI at 4 july 1930, in it Soekarno very opposing colonist of Dutch so that be gaoled in Sukamiskin Bandung at 29 December 1929, though in custody struggle of Soekarno never died. In its defence, Soekarno open world eye will badness of Dutch with its article entitle " Indonesia Menggugat " ( Indonesian Sue ). Moment Soekarno in sukamiskin, PNI have been disbanded by Dutch at July 1930, after exit Soekarno joint forces with Partindo year 1931. As does in PNI, Soekarno voice again bravely arise spirit to oppose Dutch, as a result Dutch detaching Soekarno in area of Ende Flores at year 1933 during 4 year, then be carried over in Bengkulu. Oration Mr. Karno many content political philosophy that enough jell, one other becoming guidance till in this time is oration in conference BPUPKI at 1 June 1945, where in it Soekarno first time mention 5 life philosophy that more be known by the name of PANCASILA. After independence proclamation of Republic of Indonesia 17 August 2945, base on conference PPKI 18 August 1945 so that choosen together with Mr. Hatta as a President and Vice President of Republic of Indonesia.

In international assocciation arena, name of Soekarno very be respected, he try to unite nations like Asian, African, and Latin America pass conference asian african in Bandung 1955 that then round into Nonaligned Movement. Ruination of power Soekarno happened after rebellion of G-30-S / PKI where this event bear crisis of politics social and causing responsibility of President Sukarno be refused and lift Suharto as a President functionary. After these occurence, health of Soekarno continue to deteriorate, reaching its top at 21 June 1970 and dying in RSPAD and be sent to sorrowful house in Wisma Yaso, then be buried in Blitar.


Soeharto born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta 8 June 1921. He born from a simple family is namely spouse of Kertosudiro and Sukirah, its father is assistant of countryside leader in arrange water of village and also as a farmer. Soeharto represent as a true individuality is a soldier, have been chosen becomes soldier in School " Bintara ", Gombong, Central Java at year 1941.

Formal to joint forces with TNI at 5 October 1945. After 2 year later, its precise on 26 december 1947,Soeharto married with Siti Hartinah, child from officer of mangkunegaran, nuptials take place in Solo. From the marriage be bestowed : Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmajo, Siti Hediati Herijadi, Hutomo Mandala Putra, and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih.

Journey Career Soeharto :
  1. Begin from military sergeant rank of KNIL.
  2. Becomes commandant of PETA.
  3. Commandant resimen as a Mayor.
  4. Commandant batalyon as a Letnan Kolonel.
Achievement of career Soeharto :
  1. Year 1949 with its team succeed to retake Yogyakarta from Dutch.
  2. Becomes guard of Panglima Besar Sudirman.
  3. Becomes Panglima Mandala ( Iiberation of Irian West ).

On 1 October 1965 one day after erupt rebellion of G-30-S / PKI, Soeharto take the reins " Angkatan Darat " ( Ground Forces ). Because its service can put to rout PKI Soeharto be lifted becomes " Pangkopkamtib " by President Soekarno. In maret 1966, Jendral Soeharto accept " surat perintah sebelas maret ( Supersemar ) " ( warrant of eleven maret ), containing of duty take security and orderliness, and also protect teaching from big leader at era of revolution is namely Mr. Soekarno.

After be refused its, responsibility of President Sukarno at special conference of MPRS year 1967, Soeharto be selected as a President functionary, then be confirmed becomes the second of President RI at maret 1968. govern this country more than three decade pass six times " PEMILU ( Pemilihan umum ) " ( general election ). To the last its, The great demonstration by student of college forced President Soeharto to retire at 21 may 1998.


Sampan is lugger that commonly use for the transportation of river that generally can be founded in Asian region. Sampan alone come from Ianguage of Tionghoa with its meaning " Sam ( Three ) " and " Pan ( board ) " or a wood boat of Tiongkok in Iiterature mean " Three Sheet of Board ".Sampan still remain many be met by resident of hinterland in South-East Asia, and specially Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippine And Vietnam.

Provenance of Indonesia Name

Word " Indonesia " come from word " India " ( from Ianguage of Latin for the Indies ) and word " nesos " ( from Ianguage of Greek for the archipelago ) so that have meaning as a " Archipelago of Indies ". Use of Word of Indonesia regionally begin be introduced mid of century 19. A governmental officer from English in Penang ( Malaysia ) and magazine editor " Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia " so called G.R. Logan use word of Indonesia in its article at year 1850. Term other such as Indonesisch, Melayunesians, Indonesier, Indosnesians many be used by professor of University in Dutch country like Van Vollen Hoven, Snouck Hougronje, R.A. Kern, etc. Word of Indonesia new popular at year 1884 popularized by Adolf Bastian.

Pangeran Diponegoro

Prince Diponegoro is one of national warrior in Republic of Indonesia . Diponegoro with small name Raden Mas Mustahar born in Yogyakarta, 11 November 1785 as a eldest child from Hamengkubuwono III ( King of Mataram in Yogyakarta ) with its mother so called R.A. Mangkarawati, she is concubine coming from Pacitan. At the year 1805, Hamengkubuwono II alter first name of Prince Diponegoro become Bendoro Raden Mas Antawirya. Life of Prince Diponegoro more focus at world religious and society, therefore he more opting live in Tegalrejo as a its grandparent residence, Queen from HB I Ratu Ageng Tegalrejo than in palace.

Garuda Pancasila

Pancasila as a ideology and philosophy Indonesian nation be taken from Ianguage of Sansakerta that have meaning five good behaviour. In fact teaching of pancasila have been there are since away back before Indonesian nation be formed, Pancasila are elementary teaching for moral at religion Buddha, where this is teaching of embraced by follower of Siddhartha Gautama.

Paddy ( Oryza sativa L )

Paddy as a staple food in Asian region and specially inIndonesia. Paddy want structure wet ground with hard content minimize 20%, degree of acidity land between 4 - 7 and have thick of solum between 18 - 22 cm. In general, paddy be planted in area with height 0 - 1500 m from sea level and enough be illuminated by full sunlight, air temperature between 19 - 27°C. Paddy enough easy be planted at trop. likes Indonesia.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012


Arca Siwa Mahadewa.
According teaching of Trimurti, Hinduism recognize three highest Deity are Deity Brahma as a creator of universe, Deity Wisnu as apreserver of universe, and Deity Siwa as a destroyer of universe. In Indonesian, Deity Siwa most recognized by people.

Heritage of Dutch in the Indonesia

The existence of Dutch in Indonesia after 350  years colonize of course related with heritage of Dutch, and especially in the form of building with style of colonial that there are at various area.

Building with architecture of Dutch as follow :

1. Engelsche Brug.
Bridge around street of Kali Besar, Jakarta that be built at year 1618 with material from wood.

2. Bridge Cikuda.
Bridge of train that be built by Staatsspoorwegen at year 1792, and be passed by passenger train and plantation product.


Oration of  Mr.Soekarno in front of Conference PARTINDO, Mataram, Jogjakarta 1933 about MARHAEN, MARHAENIS, MARHAENISME.

Al Qur’an

Al Qur’an merupakan kitab suci dari agama Islam yang berisikan wahyu Allah yang dapat dijadikan pedoman hidup umat manusia. Muslim mempercayai bahwa Al Qur’an adalah puncak dan penutup wahyu Allah yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW melalui perantara Malaikat Jibril.
Al Qur’an juga didefinisikan sebagai Kalam Allah yang merupakan mukjizat yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW dan ditulis di mushaf serta diriwayatkan dengan mutawir, dan membacanya termasuk ibadah. Al Qur’an diyakini adalah firman Allah yang tiada tandinganya.


Republik Demokratik Rakyat Laos merupakan negara yang dikelilingi oleh beberapa daratan di Asia.Sebelah barat laut berbatasan dengan Myanmar dan Republik Rakyat Cina, sebelahtimur dengan Vietnam, sebelah selatan dengan Kamboja, dan di sebelah baratdengan Thailand. Laos disebut juga Lan Xang atau “Negeri Seribu Gajah”.


Myanmar atau persatuan Myanmar juga dikenal sebagai Burma merupakan sebuah negara yang terletak di Asia Tenggara. Memiliki luas wilayah sekitar 680 kilometer persegi. Negara ini telah diperintah oleh sistem pemerintahan militer sejak adanya kudeta 1988 oleh militer.Myanmar adalah negara yang sedang berkembang dan memiliki populasi lebih dari 50 juta jiwa. Semula Ibukota negara ini terletak di Yangon ( sebelumnya bernama Rangoon ) dipindahkan oleh junta militer ke Naypyidaw pada 7 November 2005.

Republic of Laos

Republic of Laos with basis of democracy is namely nation that be encircled by some nation in Asia. At northwest abut Myanmarand Chinese, eastside with Vietnam,southside with Cambodia, and at westside with Thailand.Laosalso so-called " Lan Xang " or " Country A thousand Elephant". Laos be divided into 16 Province ( khoueng ), 1 municipal ( kampheng nakhon ) and 1area ( khetphiset ).

Abdurrahman Wahid

KH.Abdurrahman Wahid atau yang biasa dipanggil Gus Dur seorang tokoh cendikiawan muslim berasal dari Nahdlatul Ulama yang pernah menjabat Presiden Republik Indonesia ke empat masa jabatan 20 Oktober 1999 sampai 24 Juli 2001.

Lahir tanggal 4 Agustus 1940 di desa kecil bernama Denanyar, Jombang. Gus Dur lahir ditengah – tengah keluarga pesantren diantara ulama – ulama besar. Ayahnya bernama KH.Wahid Hasyim seorang pelopor berdirinya organisasi raksasa Nahdlatul Ulama. Ibunya bernama Hj.Sholehah putri pendiri pesantren Denanyar Jombang.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2.
Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."

Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie

Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie lahir di Pare – Pare, Sulawesi Selatan 25 Juni 1936. Pria yang pernah menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia yang ketiga ini merupakan anak keempat dari delapan bersaudara pasangan Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie dengan RA.Tuti Marini Puspoardoyo. Ayahnya meninggal pada 3 September 1950 disebabkan karena serangan jantung,pada saat itu Habibie sendiri masih sangat muda dan duduk di bangku sekolah menengah atas.

Benyamin Sueb

Benyamin Sueb atau yang biasa dipanggil Bang Ben lahir di Kemayoran, Jakarta tanggal 5 Maret 1939 dan wafat 5September 1995 merupakan artis serba bisa mulai dari actor pelawak, sutradara bahkan penyayi.
Di bidang tarik suara Bang Ben sendiri telah menghasilkan lebihdari 75 album musik dan di bidang film telah membintangi sebanyak 53 judul.

Jimmy Wales

Jimmy Donal Wales adalah pendiri YayasanWikimedia, organisasi nirlaba yang mengoperasikan proyek yang ada padaWikipedia.


Karl Heinrich Marx adalah seorang filosofi serta pakar ekonomi politik dan teori kemasyarakatan dari Prusia. Karl Marx lahir di Trier, Jerman 5 Mei 1818 dan meninggal di London 14 Maret 1883. Marx menulis banyak hal semasa hidupnya,ia terkenal atas analisisnya terhadap sejarah terutama pertentangan kelas yang diringkas sebagai “Sejarah dari berbagai masyarakat hingga saat ini padadasarnya adalah sejarah tentang pertentangan kelas”,sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam kalimat pembuka dari Manifesto Komunis.

Megawati Soekarnoputri

Megawati Soekarnoputri adalah putri sulung dari Ir.Soekarno Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia. Lahir di Yogyakarta 23Januari 1947. Wanita yang bernama lengkap Dyah Permata Megawati Soekarnoputri ini pernah menikah dengan pilot Letnan Satu Penerbang TNI AU bernama Surendro,dikaruniai dua anak laki – laki Mohammad Prananda dan Mohammad Rizki Pratama.Pada tahun 1970 Surendro ditugaskan dikawasan Indonesia Timur, namun sangat naas dalam tugasnya suami Megawati ini hilang dalam tugas bersama dengan pesawatnya tidak diketahui keberadaannya hingga saat ini.


Malware atau yang lebih dikenal Zombie supaya bisa menginfeksi komputer harus terlebih dahulu menemukan cara agar dapat terinstal. Beberapa object yang sering digunakan untukmenyamarkan Zombie adalah via email, jaringan peer-to-peer serta halaman situsweb. Beberapa Malware didesain sedemikian rupa agar menarik pengguna computer untuk membuka sehingga terjadilah instalasi Zombie tersebut. Walaupun Zombietelah terinstal, komputer korban akan tetap berfungsi normal, namun tanpadisadari komputer tersebut telah menjadi Zombie dan selalu aktif apabila komputer dinyalakan.

Mengenal Komponen Komputer

Komputer merupakan sebuah kumpulan beberapaunit komponen yang memiliki fungsinya masing – masing untuk menghasilkan suatusistem kerja. Komponen – komponen komputer tersebut antara lain :

Kapal Siluman

Kapal siluman ( Stealth Ship ) merupakan kapal yang memiliki kemampuan keberadaannya tidak dapat dilihat radar, biasanya keberadaanya di radar disamarkan mirip kapal nelayan atau obyek yang tidak berbahaya lainnya. Bentuk kapal ini umumnya seperti kapal perang lainnya hanya bagian – bagian yang menonjol dan dapat memperbesar citra radar (RCS/Radar Cross Section ) seperti misalnya dudukan meriam, tiang – tiang kapal,peluncur rudal semuanya disembunyikan. Beberapa kapal siluman juga menggunakan material anti radar ( RAM/Radar Anti Material ).

Kapal Perusak

Destroyer atau kapal perusaka dalah jenis kapal perang yang memiliki kemampuan manuver dan gerak yang lincah. Kapal ini berfungsi sebagai protektor armada kapal perang lainnya yangmemiliki ukuran kapal yang lebih besar seperti kapal induk ( carrier ), kapaltempur ( battleship ) maupun kapal penjelajah ( cruiser ) dari ancaman kapal torpedo, kapal selam dan pesawat terbang.

Kamera Digital

Sejak kamera pertama kali diciptakan pada tahun 1826 perkembangnya sangat pesat dari tahunke tahun. Teknologi yang digunakan terus dikembangkan dengan tujuan menghasilkan kamera dengan hasil lebih baih dan simple. Puncaknya dengan penemuan kamera digital dengan terobosan teknologi dari penggunaan film ke system digital.

Kain Batik

Batik adalah kain bercorak yang dibentuk dengan alat yang disebut canting atau cap dengan menggunakan malam sebagai bahan pembentuk corak. Istilah batik berasal dari bahasa Jawayaitu “amba” yang mempunyai arti menulis atau menitik. Teknik yang biasadigunakan untuk proses membantik menggunakan canting atau cap dengan bahan pembuat warna yang membentuk corak dari malam ( wax ), malam in dituliskan diatas kain bertujuan untuk menahan pewarna masuk ke dalam serat kain, tekniksemacam ini disebut dengan istilah wax resist dying.


Elephants have been working animals used in various capacities by humans. However, elephants have never been truly domesticated, the male elephant in his periodic condition of musthis dangerous and difficult to control. Therefore elephants used by humans have typically been female. Seals found in the IndusValley suggest that the elephant was first domesticated in ancient India.It is generally more economical to capture wild young elephants and tame them than breeding them in captivity.


HTML ( HyperText Mark up Language ) merupakan salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang memberikan marking up pada teks dan bukan sebagai program, suatu metode untuk menerapkan konsep hyperteks dalam suatu naskah ataudokumen. HTML sendiri biasa terdapat pada source code website dan dikembangkan dari konsep dasar SGML dimana konsep ini menggunakan hypertext untuk tujuan mempermudah mencari informasi.


HTML ( HyperText Mark up Language ) is not one of Ianguage of program that giving marking up at text and non as a program, a method toapply concept of hypertexts in a document . HTML it self ordinary there are atsource code website and be developed from elementary concept SGML where this concept use hypertext for the purpose of easier searching information.

Explorer of Ocean

The world of ship that expand especially since there are theory of Copernicus becomes initiative some nation in the world to ford ocean. This desire be generated by existence of commerce monopolies in region of Mediterranean Sea that be generated merchant Asian of West. Explorer of ocean besides for doing commerce also with aim to find new region. Some nation that very motivated to doing explorer ofocean is namelyPortugal,Spanyol, English, and Dutch. These expedition be supported by governance and federal of trade.

Digital Camera

Since camera first time be created in the year 1826, its development become very fast from year to year.Technology that be used continue be developed with a purpose yield camera with result more good and simple. Its top with invention digital camera with technological breakthrough from use the film to digital system.

Destroyer Navy Ship

Destroyer is type of battleship that owning ability of maneuver and nimble motion. This ship function asprotector for team of battleship other which have ship size larger such ascarrier ship, battleship and also cruiser ship from threat of motor torpedoboat, submarine, and plane. At the moment first time be launched destroyer havenot resilience for operate in sea so that have to unionize. Its role changewhen early century 21, this ship become sea level battleship with function thatmost commonly. Only four state owning destroyer similar with battleship isnamely United StatesRussia, French and Peru, even in this time this ship be supplied with nuclear missile with ability of superior.


Activity of crime in the world of cyber progressively expand, this matter showing virulent hacker progressively foxy for making and developing character destructive of Malware. News up to date inthis time is popping out many maker machine Malware, because matter that's whosoever now have opportunity to become designer of Malware. Enough by makingvirulent script and little modify so immediately can be created Malware newest.


Weblog or ordinary so-called Blog be estimated firsttime emerge around year 1993 at a browser of Mosaic that made by Marc Andersenin yard of What’s New. This is browser firstly before apparition Internet Explorer and Netscape.


Batik is traditional cloth have immeasurable pattern that be made with appliance so-called canting or thechop by using paraffin as a main material to form of pattern. Term of batik come from Javanese is "amba" interpreted as a write or dot. Technique that commonly use for process make batik using chop or canting with materials to make colour that forming pattern from paraffin, then this paraffin be written down above clothwith aim as a arrest colourant come into cloth fiber, this technique so-calledas a wax resist dying. The process of making batik can only be applied above cloths certain such as cotton, wool and silk, with precise reason because clothhave to have natural fibre and cannot be done at artificial fiber or polyester.

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


Bab I Ketentuan Umum
Bab II Ruang Lingkup Berlakunya Undang-undang
Bab III Dasar Peradilan
Bab IV Penyidik dan Penuntut Umum Bagian Kesatu : Penyelidik dan Penyidik
Bab IV Penyidik dan Penuntut Umum Bagian Kedua : Penyidik Pembantu
Bab IV Penyidik dan Penuntut Umum Bagian Ketiga : Penuntut Umum
Bab V Penangkapan, Penahanan, Penggeledahan Badan, Pemasukan Rumah, Penyitaan Dan Pemeriksaan Surat Bagian Kesatu :Penangkapan

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012


Pasal 1
(1) Negara Indonesia ialah Negara Kesatuan, yang berbentuk Republik.
(2) Kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut UndangUndang
(3) Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum.

Pembukaan UUD 45 ( P r e a m b u l e )

Bahwa sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa dan oleh sebab itu, maka penjajahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan, karena tidak sesuai dengan perikemanusiaan
dan perikeadilan.

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Nala Navy Ship

KRI Nala is one of the Indonesia Navy destroyers warships equipped with missiles type. This frigate type ship built in Holland in 1980 by the shipyard named Wilton Fijenoord in Schiedam.

Mother Ship

Mother Ship is a ship that has the ability to move military forces in the form of a naval fleet strength. In the carrier typically includes aircraft, helicopters and other air forces in large numbers. The carrier function is to support naval operations center command and mental shock to the opponent.

KRI Nala – 363

KRI Nala adalah salah satu kapal perang milik TNI Angkatan Laut bertype kapal perusak yang dilengkapi dengan peluru kendali. Kapal jenis fregat ini di bangun di Belanda tahun 1980 oleh galangan kapal bernama Wilton Fijenoord di Schiedam.

KRI Malahayati – 362

KRI Malahayati merupakan salah satu kapal perang milik TNI AL ( Angkatan Laut Indonesia ) memiliki kemampuan sebagai kapal perusak yang disenjatai dengan peluru kendali. Nama KRI Malahayati sendiri diambil dari salah satu perwira tinggi wanita Angkatan Laut yang bernama Malahayati. KRI Malahayati dibuat di Belanda oleh galangan kapal Wilton – Fijenoord, Schiedam – Belanda tahun 1980. Kapal perang ini memiliki kemampuan antikapal permukaan, antikapal selam dan anti pesawat udara.

Malahayati Navy Ship

KRI Malahayati is one of the ships owned by TNI AL (Indonesian Navy) has the ability as a destroyer with controled missiles. KRI Malahayati own name taken from one of the high-ranking functionary woman Navy named Malahayati. KRI Malahayati made in the Netherlands by Wilton shipyard - Fijenoord, Schiedam - Holland in 1980.

KRI Hasanudin – 366

KRI Hasanudin adalah salah satu kapal perang milik TNI Angkatan Laut kelas SIGMA dengan nomor lambung 366 dan memiliki fungsi utama sebagai kapal perusak ( korvet ). Kapal ini dibangun di Belanda pada galangan kapal Schelde pada tahun 2004 dan selesai akhir tahun 2006.

KRI Fatahillah

KRI Fatahillah adalah kapal perang milik TNI AL jenis destroyer / perusak dari kelas fregat. Kapal ini di buat di Wilton – Fijenoord, Schiedam Belanda tahun 1979. KRI Fatahillah memiliki kemampuan anti kapal selam dan permukaan serta anti pesawat tempur.

KRI Dewaruci

KRI Dewaruci merupakan kapal miliki TNI AL yang cukup fenomenal, kapal ini adalah jenis kapal layar yang digunakan untuk berlatih para taruna atau kadet dari Akademi Angkatan Laut. KRI Dewaruci adalah kaal layar terbesar yang dimiliki TNI Angkatan Laut saat ini, namanya diambil dari tokoh pewayangan dari tanah Jawa bernama Dewa Ruci.

Dewaruci Navy Ship

KRI Dewaruci the TNI Navy ships have a pretty phenomenal, this is the kind of ship sailing vessel used to train the cadet or midshipman from the Naval Academy. KRI Dewaruci is the largest sailing vessel owned TNI Navy today, its name taken from a puppet character from the land of Java named Dewa Ruci.

Kapal Induk

Kapal Induk merupakan kapal yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memindahkan kekuatan militer dalam bentuk kekuatan armada angkatan laut. Dalam kapal induk biasanya memuat pesawat tempur, helikopter dan kekuatan udara lainnya dalam jumlah besar. Fungsi kapal induk adalah untuk mendukung operasi – operasi angkatan laut sebagai pusat komando operasi serta sebagai shock mental kepada lawan.

Hasanuddin War Ship - 366

KRI Hasanuddin is one of the Indonesia Navy’s war ship SIGMA class with hull number 366 and has a primary function as a destroyer (corvette). The ship was built in the Netherlands in the Schelde shipyard in 2004 and completed at the end of 2006

Fatahillah war ship

KRI Fatahillah is Indonesia warship type destroyer of the class frigate. This ship made in Wilton - Fijenoord, Schiedam the Netherlands in 1979. KRI Fatahillah have the ability anti-submarine and anti-surface aircraft.

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012


Wet tail ( ekor basah ) merupakan penyakit sangat serius yang berhubungan dengan usus ( enteritis regional atau proliferatif ileitis ) menyerang hamsters muda dan sering menyebabkan kematian. Penyakit ini dinamakan wet tail sebab gejala utama adalah diarrhea dan pada hamster sering menyebabkan ekor kotor dan basah.


Overweight cats are at risk for health problems and do not generally live as long as cats that are trim. To determine if your cat is overweight, run your hand along his side.
If you can not feel his ribs, it is time to start a weight reduction program. If your cat does not have a waist, that is another indication it is time to start a weight reduction program.


The viper snake is very colorful and robust. The viper snake has red and some have brown eyes they have yellow skin but some are also green. This color helps the viper snake camouflage. The viper snake is a very short snake compared to most of the other type of snakes. She is 50 to 65cm long.


Certain medical conditions can cause obesity in pets and any pet with a weight problem should be examined by a veterinarian prior to initiating a weight control program.


1. Obstruction of ureter.
Obstruction of ureter cause hydronephrosis. In general obstruction happened is unilateral, but can also bilateral that always be followed with uremia as a effect of hydronephrosis. Therapy of causal and symptomatic to uremia.


Categories of hairball treatments include : 
  • Adding fibre to the diet
  • Giving a lubricant ( usually a petroleum jelly product ) to slide the hair through to the correct end of the cat for disposal.
  • Homeopathy


Baby animal that newborn, the body had to be cleaned and dried. Upper respiratory tract can be cleaned from mucus and fluids, especially the mouth and nose. Drying is done by rubbing a bit harder with the direction from bottom to top on the baby animal body using a towel, this action aims to stimulate the circulation and respiration.


Treatment of animals postpartum depends on the general condition, may be indicated infusion 5% dextrose solution in saline or Ringer's solution, and penicillin or antibiotics other.
If the condition of the animals bad postpartum can be give blood transfusion or preparations of corticosteroid.


Chihuahuas are prized for their devotion, ferocity, and personality. Chihuahuas are not well-suited as small children's pets because of their size, temperament, and tendency to bite when frightened.
It is recommended that children be school aged or older before adding a Chihuahua to one's home. Also, manyChihuahuas focus their devotion on one person, becoming overly jealous of that person's human relationships. This can be mitigated through socialization.


The risk of HIV transmission occurring after any potential exposure to bodily fluids is poorly defined. Within 2 to 6 weeks of an exposure, the majority of infected persons will have a positive HIV antibody test, with virtually all being positive by 6 months.


  • Kingdom : Animalia
  • Phylum : Chordata
  • Class : Mammalia
  • Order : Primates
  • Family : Hominidae
  • Subfamily : Ponginae
  • Genus : Pongo
  • Species : Pongo pygmaeus, Pongo obelii

The Pomeranian Dog

The Pomeranian is classed as a toy dog breed because of small size. Pomeranian is part of Geman Spitz breed, named for the Pomerania region in Central Europe, now part of northern Poland. The Pomeranian originated from the sled dogs of Greenland and Lapland, which were eventually brought into Europe in Pomerania.


The term mini describes dogs weighing between 1 to 10 kg at adult age. This category includes toys whose weight does not exceed 4 kg. While mini dogs were once prized for their hunting skill, they are very popular today as pets.
They take very well to a sedentary life, even in towns, on condition they are taken out for regular exercise.


The term medium includes dogs weighing from 11 to 25 kg when adult. Originally they were working dogs used for hunting, as sheep dogs or sledge dogs, but over the years they have become adapted to their modern life as pets.


The maxi label refers to dog whose adult weight is between 26 – 44 kg. Maxi dogs have been treasured for their incredible working abilities. They are still super herding, tracking, rescue, guard and assistance dogs.
Powerful, devoted, very attractive, strong and vigorous, the maxi is an outdoor type above all, and works along side his master in a perfect working or sporting partnership.


Tetani puerpural atau eclampsia adalah tetani yang terjadi pada anjing atau kucing setelah partus ( 3 - 4 minggu post partus ) atau biasanya sebelum partus.


Sterilisasi di dunia kedokteran hewan lebih sering dilakukan pada anjing dan kucing dibanding dengan hewan lain.


Stephanofilariasis is skin disease at cow, goat, and buffalo that caused by worm genus of Stephanofilaria.


Dog training are the process of teaching a dog ( Canis lupus familiaris ) to perform certain behaviors under various circumstances and in certain roles on command.


Somnolence or drowsiness is a state of near - sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods ( hypersomnia ). Somnolence causes of celexa.


Signs of pain in dog include the following :


Lingkungan sekitar tempat hidup kucing harus diperiksa terhadap adanya toksin sebab hati seekor kucing kurang efektif pada detoksifikasi dibanding hewan lain seperti anjing.


Prosedur sectio cesar dilakukan dengan indikasi utama pada semua kasus dystocia yang tidak dapat ditangani dengan metode konservatif, terutama bila kondisi anatomi dan patologi menghalangi kelahiran secara normal.


Procedures of sectio cesar be performed with the primary indication in all cases of dystocia that can not be treated with conservative methods, especially if conditions of the anatomy and pathological preventing birth normally.


Scabies yang dikenal dengan istilah itch atau kudis adalah penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh infestasi dan sensitisasi terhadap parasit Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis ( pada manusia ).
Tungau betina dapat membentuk terowongan ( kunikuli ) yang sangat dalam dengan menembus lapisan kulit, hal ini sering menyebabkan pengobatan terhadap scabies sering kali memberikan hasil yang negatif.


Rodenticides are tasty in order to attract rodents, but that makes them attractive to our pets as well. Make sure to read rodenticide packages thoroughly if you have pets in your house and avoid your pet eating the rodenticide.


Prosedur resusitasi jantung paru ( CPR atau cardiopulmonary resuscitation ) pada anjing mempunyai prinsip yang sama dengan penanganan pada manusia, yakni kombinasi antara bantuan pernapasan dan kompresi jantung yang dilakukan pada kondisi serangan jantung dan henti napas untuk mencegah kematian biologis.


Definisi kawin berulang adalah induk hewan atau ternak yang mempunyai siklus birahi yang normal dan gejala birahi yang jelas, tetapi bila dikawinkan dengan pejantan yang subur atau di inseminasi buatan dengan air mani yang bermutu tinggi berulang - ulang tidak pernah menjadi bunting.


Signs of renal failure in cats are very non-specific and can be difficult to distinguish from the general signs of ageing.


One of the most controversial dog training methods involves using a remote collar, otherwise known as a “shock collar”.

This term is used almost primarily by the detractors of the tool. It is commonly referred to as a "remote training collar", or "remote dog training", as in the ability to communicate remotely with a dog.


Frequently after travelling long time will potential experiencing of pain, stiff, and weakness of body, especially at the back and feet because forced on course sit long time so that feet stay in static position which cause heaping of fluid at body underside and blood stream become less fluent as a effect of feet bended long time, then usually arising swelling and feel pain at feet.


Rabbit is still commonly sold in UK butchers and markets, although not frequently in supermarkets.
At farmers markets and the famous Borough Market in London, rabbits will be displayed dead and hanging unbutchered in the traditional style next to braces of Pheasant and other small game.


Rabbits are herbivores who feed by grazing on grass, forbs, and leafy weeds. In addition, their diet contains large amounts of cellulose, which is hard to digest.


The word pyometra can be divided into two root words pyo means pus, and metra refers to the uterus.
Pyometra starts after a dog goes through a heat cycle, usually within about 3 to 5 weeks. Stimulation of the uterus with abnormal levels of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) cause the lining of the uterus to become thickened and fluid accumulates inside the uterus. Infection develops in the uterus , as the infection progresses, the uterus fills with pus. If the pet has closed pyometra the cervix is not open and pus cannot drain to the outside. If open pyometra is present, the pus can drain through the cervix. The infection is life-threatening; closed pyometra may cause a pet to become more ill than open pyometra.


The existence of prenatal period is a recent addition to the developmental periods of puppies. It is thought that “long-term effects on behavioral development may also be produced in some mammals by events occurring in utero.


1. Taking sperm cells.

There are several techniques of sperm intake, include :
  • Masturbation
  • Coitus interrupted
  • Sucked out of the male gonad
  • Coitus with a condom
  • Sperm is poured into the genitals of women who directly sucked with quickly.
  • Sperm in a dream


When should my dog have the first bowel movement after surgery?

PREVENT DEMENTIA with Browsing Internet

Internet in reality do not only good as a medium to get information, because with browsing internet can become one of alternative for take care health of brain, especially to old people and have potency to experience of dementia because at this period will happened reduction of brain cell activity that influence ability and brain function.


Pet foods are added with antioxidants to preserve ingredients in food stable longer and preserve from oxidation. Antioxidants are substances that help to keep fats and fat-soluble ingredients (including vitamins A and E) from becoming oxidized.


Poor sleep quality is caused by the individual not reaching stage for sleep which has restorative properties. However, people who are unable to achieve stage for sleep due to brain damage who still lead perfectly normal lives.


The most common problem in Pomeranians is :

Pomeranian House Training

Pomeranians are intelligent dog and easily trained, Pom like many small dog house breaking can be bit of challenge. Pomeranians are very clean by nature, they do not like to soil the areas where they life. Pom are very special toys dog, the key to training Pom is start early and continue.


Pitbulls dog is a result of a long process of selection in circumstances identical to the cicumstances of gladiator fights in Ancient Rome and pitbulls can rightfully claim to be victims of human cruelty with the original purpose was for them to fight wild beasts.


Kata piometra dapat dibagi menjadi dua kata utama yakni " pyo " berarti nanah, dan " metra " diartikan kandungan ( uterus ). Piometra dimulai setelah seekor anjing memperolehi siklus birahi, umumnya dalam waktu sekitar 3 - 5 minggu.


After occur damage of tissue that caused by surgical action or accidental vulnus, will be always accompanied by changes in molecular and cellular that is the body's reaction to repair damage of tissue.
In principle, the overall process of sanatio vulnera include the formation of fibrous tissue ( fibroplasia ) and regeneration of the epithelium.


Many owners try to equate their pet's illness or physical injury with what a human would feel in a similar situation. However, animals do not have the same mental awareness of injury as humans and they do not have the capacity to go into psychological shock or to give up.


What can be done ?


The first thing for you to discern is whether your pet is vomiting or regurgitating. Both will result in fluid or food being brought up. Vomiting always will have heaving or retching of the abdomen prior to expulsion of the vomitus.


Pet foods contain additives ingredients such as chicory, prebiotic and probiotic supplements, kelp, algae, and yeast. Owner pets may be unknown and unfamiliar to pet food additives.


Anaphylaxis is immediate allergic reaction to something ingested or injected. The types of agents can cause anaphylaxis are stinging insects, antibiotics, vaccines, food, certain hormones and medications.

Anaphylaxis is rare but life-threatening because if untreated, this condition results in shock anaphylaxis is an extreme emergency, respiratory and cardiac failure, and death.


Prinsip terapi terhadap kalkuli hanya dimulai dengan membuang kalkuli dari vesica urinaria, maka terapi jangka panjang diperlukan untuk mencegah kejadian kalkuli terulang kembali.
Semua kalkuli harus dianalisis, dilakukan biakan ( culture ) dan test sensitivitas pada bahan yang diperoleh dari swab vesica urinaria. Hasil analisis kalkuli, culture dan test sensitivitas dapatdigunakan untuk menentukan terapi jangka panjang.


Perawatan induk hewan setelah proses melahirkan tergantung pada kondisi umum induk, dapat diindikasikan pemberian infus larutan dextrose 5 % dalam saline atau larutan ringer’s dan penicillin atau antibiotik lain.
Bila kondisi induk hewan jelek pasca melahirkan dapat diperlukan transfusi darah atau pemberian preparat kortikosteroid.


Anak hewan setelah dilahirkan badannya harus segera dibersihkan dan dikeringkan. Saluran pernafasan atas dibersihkan dari lendir dan cairan, terutama mulut dan hidung.

Penyebab Hewan Menggaruk

Hewan dapat mengekspresikan rasa gatal dengan menggaruk tubuh mereka menggunakan kaki belakang ( gerakan bermain gitar), dan juga dapat dengan menggigit – gigit daerah tertentu tubuh mereka, menggosok atau berguling – guling di lantai atau permukaan yang kasar.


Tanda kucing mengalami fishhooks pada mulut sebagai berikut : 
  1. Drooling.
  2. Menggaruk - garuk mulut.
  3. Susah menelan.


Parrots are birds of the roughly 350 species in the order Psittaciformes, found in most warm and tropical regions.


Paraphimosis didefinisikan sebagai kondisi dimana bila penis protasio dari preputium dan tidak dapat ditarik masuk kembali ke dalam preputium. Hal ini biasanya berkaitan dengan phimosis.


Paraphimosis defined as a condition in which when the penis protasio from preputium and can not be pulled by reenter into the preputium. It is usually associated with phimosis.


The health risks to overweight cats are serious, because when the owner given feeding overload, failure organs, disease and sometimes death are the consequences.
This condition, as in people, cats carrying extra pounds of weight place extra demands on virtually all the organs of their bodies.

Overcoming Insomnia With Consuming Grape

Often sleepless, as well as woke up from sleep and cannot sleep again are sign of insomnia.Insomnia go together melantonin, hormone that functioning to arrange hour biologic body, begin at 06.00 p.m this hormone inundate body until full around at 10.00 p.m so at that moment begin sleepy and sleep.


Bone consist of mineral such as phosphate and calcium, so that bone became ossify and solid. If body unable to regulate mineral in bone, will cause bone became more brittle and less solid, so that happened osteoporosis.


Orchitis is an inflammation of the testicles that can result from infection of microorganisms around the testicles such as inflammation of the scrotum or the urogenital tract, especially the transmission of sexually contagious diseases due to the marriage of nature with female animals that infected sexually contagious disease.


The existence of oedema that happens below skin surface there are some terms and must be distinguished from one another, eg hematomas, abscesses, hernias, cysts and tumors, as following :


Obstruksi urethra pada anjing jantan dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai penyebab sebagai berikut :


A balanced, nutritious diet is an important aspect of a healthy pregnancy. If the woman is healthy, balancing carbohydrates, fat, and proteins, and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables usually ensure good nutrition.
Those whose diets are affected by health issues, religious requirements, or ethical beliefs may choose to consult a health professional for specific advice.

Miraculous Food With Antioxidants

Define of free radical is atom/molecul/compound that content one or more free electron.
Because chemically, molecul of free radical is no couple so that tend to react with body cell molecule. Then, generate compound below par ( free radical that new became more of reactive ) and starting of reaction related which can destroy important cell. Example of free radical is superoksida ( O2- ), hydroxyl ( OH- ), nitroksida ( NO ), peroxide hydrogen ( H2O2 ), sour [of] hypochlorite ( HOCL ), thill ( RS- ) and others. Free radicals according to some studies has been known can destroy the infection efficiently, but often not controlled to mechanism in the body so that sometimes attack the cells of body and causes of cell death, which triggered early aging or even cancer.


Milk is pet food additivies with contain trace mineral and vitamins. Some pets can tolerate a little milk as pet foodadditivies, but none at all because dogs and cats do not havethe proper enzymes to properly break down the sugar in milk which is called lactose.


Methods of house training :

Starting Inside:
The first, you can put down papers or pretreated pads, encouraging them to use these areas for going to the bathroom.


Metastrongylosis is disease that be caused worm of nematode from genus of Metastrongylus which attacking pig, sheep, deer and other ruminants.


The menstrual cycle isn't the same for every woman. Menstrual period may be regular or irregular, light or heavy, painful or pain-free, long or short and still be considered normal.


Cacing genus Capillaria ( terutama species Capillaria felis cati dan Capillaria plica ) mempunyai predileksi pada saluran kemih oleh karena itu juga dikenal dengan sebutan bladder worm, induk semang utama anjing dan kucing.


Low back pain or lumbago is one of the musculoskeletal disorder most often experienced of people in their lives.


Lipid altering medications are used in lowering blood levels of undesirable lipids such as LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increasing blood levels of desirable lipids such as HDL cholesterol.


Lipid altering medications digunakan dalam upaya menurunkan kadar lemak darah yang tidak diinginkan seperti kolesterol LDL dan trigliserida, serta meningkatkan kadar lemak darah yang diinginkan seperti kolesterol HDL.


Lick dermatitis atau yang disebut juga dengan lick granuloma pada anjing merupakan suatu perkembangan kondisi sebagai hasil aktivitas menjilat yang berlebihan.


Lick dermatitis also called lick granuloma in dogs is a condition which develops as a result of excessivechronic licking.


The term white blood cells or leukocytes is derived from Greek words "leukos" meaning white and "cytes" meaning cells.


Secara medis istilah " left main disease ( LMD ) " dikenal sebagai penyempitan pangkal pembuluh darah koroner kiri.


Medically term of vasoconstriction or narrowing that happened at jetty of coronary blood vessels leftside be known as " left main disease ( LMD ) ".


The liver not only manufactures and secretes LDL cholesterol into the blood; it also removesLDL cholesterol from the blood.
A high number of active LDL receptors on the liver surfaces is associated with the rapid removal of LDL cholesterol from the blood and low blood LDL cholesterol levels. A deficiency of LDL receptors is associated with high LDL cholesterol blood levels.


Lasik ( laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis ) is method at special surgery for the correction of refraction abnormality that affect health of eye, life style and also requirement of job like stewardess, pilot and army that not enabled to use eyeglasses.
The type of refraction abnormality that can be corrected with method of lasik is hyperopic, myopic and astigmatism.


Notable issues related to Labrador and health include :


Descensus testiculorum adalah proses perpindahan atau penurunan testis dari rongga perut ke dalam rongga skrotum yang terjadi secara alamiah selama dalam kandungan pada akhir masa kebuntingan.
Waktu terjadi proses descensus testiculorum dihitung dari masa kebuntingan tidak sama, kuda terjadi pada 9 -11 bulan, sapi 3,5 - 4 bulan, domba dan kambing 80 hari, babi 90 hari, khusus pada anjing 5 hari setelah dilahirkan.


The King Cobra ( Ophiophagus Hannah ) is the world's longest venomous snake, growing to a length of 18.5 ft ( 5.7 m ) and a weight of up to 20 lbs ( 9 kg ).
Male King Cobras tend to be longer and thicker than female King Cobras. Sometimes the King Cobra is pale olive or yellow olive in color with a pale yellow veneer. Individuals from India are crossbanded with yellow and a black posterior, whereas Chinese variants are black-brown crossbanded with pale white or ivory.


King Cobra venom, which is composed mostly of proteins and polypeptides. Cobra venom is produced in specialized salivary glands just behind the animal's eyes.
When biting its prey, venom is forced through the snake's half-inch-long ( 8-10 mm ) fangs and into the wound.


Secara performance kucing persia mempunyai bulu sangat tebal, kaki pendek, kepala lebar dengan telinga terpisah jauh, mata besar, dan moncong sangat datar.
Keturunan original berasal dari moncong pendek, tetapi dari waktu ke waktu bentuk ini telah menjadi sangat ekstrim, terutama sekali banyak ditemukan di Amerika Utara, dan kucing persia dengan tipe kepala brachycephalic ( berkepala pendek lebar ) yang semakin ekstrim dan hal ini berkaitan dengan sejumlah permasalahan kesehatan ( secara spesifik mempengaruhi sinus dan kemampuan dalam bernafas) yang disebabkan oleh itu. Umur kucing persia pada umumnya rata - rata 10 dan 18 tahun.


Jaundice or icterus is pigmentation of yellow as a effect of hyperbilirubinemia and precipitation of bile pigment in blood stream so that can causing change of colour at skin, sclera, mucosa membrane, and excretion.


Once the cataract has been removed by cataract surgical method either phacoemulsification or extracapsular extraction, after the clouded lens is removed then a clear artificial lens is implanted into the empty lens capsule.


Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity.
It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomniacs have been known to complain about being unable to close their eyes or rest their mind for more than a few minutes at a time.


Insomnia merupakan gangguan tidur yang ditandai dengan kesulitan untuk mencapai tidur nyenyak dan diikuti oleh kelemahan fungsional seperti sering terjaga dalam tidur.
Orang yang mengalami insomnia diketahui sering mengeluh tidak mampu untuk memejamkan mata mereka atau mengistirahatkan pikiran mereka dalam waktu lebih dari beberapa menit pada saat yang sama.


Inkontinensia urin adalah keluarnya urin dari kandung kemih yang tidak dapat terkontrol, sehingga urin menetes terus atau pada waktu - waktu tertentu.

Keadaan ini lebih sering terjadi pada hewan betina dan terutama terdapat pada anjing.


Have you known about term of acetamide, 5-Methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine, MEL, luzindole, ramelteon, these in fact are synonym from melatonin is namely a hormone produced by pineal gland of brain from the amino acid tryptophan.

In Vitro Fertilization

Definition of tube baby as follows : 
  • Babies are the occurence or the process of conception outside the body of a woman.
  • Tubes are made as a place of conception the sperm and ovum to fetus.
  • Babies who the process of conception is made in such a way with technology and medical considerations so carefully, so that similar with situation of the oviduct and uterus of women where the sperm and ovum fertilization usually occurs after successful fertilization process will be transplantation of embryos in the uterus for pregnancy and birth of a baby .

Imprecise diet as a factor that triggering osteoporosis

Do you including one of woman that dreaming for have slim body within reason artist hollywood ? Do you in realizing it choose diet to reach ideal weight body ?

Important Nutrition for Period of Pregnancy

Mother that pregnant very often experience morning sickness so that occur decrease of passion eat though this matter can influence intake of nutrition and foetus growth.


A pet iguana habituates to humans to such a degree that humans no longer cause a "fight" or "flight" reaction.
Iguanas achieve this after they have acclimated to their new habitat and brief yet constant interaction with their owner.
Unlike dogs and cats, Green iguanas do not like to be picked up, petted, or handled for extended periods of time as they are creatures of familiarity that will often get stressed when exposed to unfamiliar stimuli.


hysterectomy is a surgical procedure whereby the uterus ( womb ) is removed. The most common reason hysterectomy is performed is for uterine fibroids ( also known as uterine leiomyomata ).
Uterine fibroids are benign growths of the uterus, the cause of which is unknown. Although the vast majority are benign, meaning they do not cause or turn into cancer, uterine fibroids can cause medical problems.


The most reason for smokers unsuccessful quit smoking just because difficult calling away the attention cigarette sensation that balmy so can be said if they have shown effect of nicotine addiction, but considering fact if smoking actually speeds up the heart rate and the metabolism, trigger the toxic chemicals at the body system, and cause various dangerous disease, so that we should help smokers to quit smoking.
Therefore, alternative method to stop smoking such as hypnosis with using technique of suggestions that be made under deep relaxation can be tried smokers.


Hyperplasia of prostate gland is a rapid growth so the prostate gland swell with cause of that the alleged there are imbalance hormonal such levels of testosterone in the blood is high.
Enlargement of prostate gland so intense that spread into the abdominal cavity. An enlarged prostate gland may be flat, but can also form a lump that contains cysts. The wall of cyst can be experience calcification. If shape of lumps does not contain cysts so the dirt that came out through preputium is pus. However if there are shape of cyst so the dirt that came out through penis is grayish or reddish that containing blood.


Hydronephrosis ditandai dengan dilatasi progresif dari pelvisrenalis dan atrofi progresif dari parenkim ginjal yang terjadi secara sekunder akibat obstruksi pada pengaliran urin.
Obstruksi ini dapat terjadi secara kongenital atau perolehan pada ureter atau uretra. Adanya atrofi dan nekrosis parenkim ginjal disebabkan oleh dilatasi pada pelvis renalis dan distensi lumen tubuli yang berakibat kompresi dan kolaps dari vaskularisasi ginjal yang disebut ischemia.


Hot stone massage is therapy of classic massage with variation flat stones heated smooth that be placed on key points of body.
The hot stones that used are usually made of basalt, a type of rock that is rich in iron, so basalt can retain heat. River rocks are normally can used for hot stone massage because so smooth.


Hospital term come from Latin word of hospes ( host ). Initially around middle ages, hospital function as relocation of voyager or pauper, people with old age, and also reformatory.
Then, function of hospital change as a place for doing diagnose or another therapy and also medical treatment.


Around the world, horses play a role within human economies. Horses can be used for leisure activities, sports, and working purposes.
In wealthier First World industrialized economies, horses are primarily used in recreational pursuits and competitive sports, though they also have practical uses in police work, cattle ranching, search and rescue, and other duties where terrain or conditions preclude use of motorized vehicles.


Around the world, horses play a role within human economies. Horses can be used for leisure activities, sports, and working purposes.
In wealthier First World industrialized economies, horses are primarily used in recreational pursuits and competitive sports, though they also have practical uses in police work, cattle ranching, search and rescue, and other duties where terrain or conditions preclude use of motorized vehicles.

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


Hordeolum atau bintitan ( timbilen ) merupakan penyakit infeksi kelenjar sebaseos pada kelopak mata yang disebabkan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Morraxella yang bersifat terlokalisir, purulen dan meradang.


AIDS ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ) disebabkan oleh infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ).
Setelah terjadi infeksi virus HIV di dalam tubuh, virus menuju kelenjar limfa dan berada dalam sel dendritik selama beberapa hari. Kemudian terjadi sindrom retroviral akut semacam penyakit flu disertai viremia hebat dengan keterlibatan berbagai kelenjar limfa, sindrom ini akan hilang sendiri setelah 1 - 3 minggu. 


Hiperplasia kelenjar prostat adalah suatu pertumbuhan yang cepat sehingga kelenjar prostat membengkak dengan penyebabnya diduga karena adanya ketidakseimbangan hormonal yaitu kadar testoteron yang tinggi dalam darah.


Triglyceride is a fatty substance that is composed of three fatty acids. Like cholesterol, triglyceride in the blood either comes from the diet or the liver. 


Term of hiccough or hiccups appear foreign though everyone sure have experienced ofhiccough.
Scientifically hiccough defined as a inspiration sound of respiration that keen be accompanied by spasme glotis ( contraction of muscle on the spur of the moment ) and diaphragm. Hiccough also can be represented as a contraction that repeatedly without able be controlled by diaphragm ( membrane limiting chest cavity and stomach cavity ), so that cause sound track in red lane close sudden, and inhibit of air which will step into lung. 


Hernia is extrusion of organ or tissue through abnormal hole.
Part of hernia consist of ring, sack, and hernia content include intestine, ovary, and omentum. Hernia can happened at all of age, young and also old. At baby or children, a more regular be caused procesus of vaginalis close less perfect along with going down of testis. 


Hernia uteri adalah suatu keadaan pada induk hewan yang sedang bunting, uterus bersama fetus yang dikandung masuk ke dalam rongga hernia.
Rongga hernia merupakan suatu rongga antara peritoneum dan urat daging perut dengan kulit dinding perut, rongga ini terbentuk karena adanya persobekan peritoneum dan lapisan muscularis lantai dinding perut sedangkan kulit dinding perut tidak terganggu. Hernia uteri sering juga disebut histerocele yang pada umumnya terjadi pada masa akhir kebuntingan.


Hemorrhoid atau dikenal dengan ambeien adalah dilatasi varikosus vena dari plexus hemoroidal inferior atau superior.
Pada hemorrhoid terjadi pelebaran vena di saluran pencernaan bagian bawah dan bisa terjadi di sekitar tempat keluarnya feces.


Heart failure is a progressive disorder in which damage to the heart causes weakening of the cardiovascular system.
It manifests by fluid congestion or inadequate blood flow to tissues. Heart failure progresses by underlying heart injury or inappropriate responses of the body to heart impairment. 


Antioxidants are food supplements that have been promoted as preventing heart disease and stroke.
An important early event in the development of a cholesterol plaque in atherosclerosis is the oxidative modification of LDL cholesterol ( low density lipoprotein ) particles in the blood and the subsequent interaction of this modified LDL with the wall of the coronary artery. This process initiates the formation of the cholesterol plaque. 


Healthy eating tips including :


Chihuahua breed requires expert veterinary attention in areas such as birthing and dental care.
Chihuahuas are sometimes picky eaters, and care must be taken to provide them with adequate nutrition. At the same time, care must be exercised not to overfeed this tiny breed, because overfeeding can be a grave danger to the small dog's health, shortening their life and leading to diabetes. 


Rotavirus can be cause damage of villi that have function for digestive and absorption of carbohydrates include lactose, water and minerals so that will disturbed function digestive of lactose.

HARM OF Trypanosoma Cruzi

Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan ( one-celled ) parasite that causes a disease called American trypanosomiasis or ChagaĂą disease in man.
Small animals such as cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rats, and opossums can serve as reservoirs for the parasite and they can be very important in the spread of the parasite.


The limp can occur in your pets and this case an important point of pet ownership, because the limp that became paralysis in less than 2 hours, if a delay in treatment could lead to totalparalysis and death.


Natural behaviour, puppies like to chew on objects.
If a puppy chews a cord that is connected to an electrical socket, the puppy may receive a severe electrical shock and this condition is dangerous, cause damage to the lungs.


1. Fluid congestion 
If the heart becomes less efficient as a pump, the body will try to compensate for it.
One way it attempts to do this is by using hormones and nerve signals to increase blood volume ( by water retention in the kidneys ).


Haemonchosis is a disease that often attack livestock and be caused worm of Nematode from genus Haemonchus.


The magnification of mammae at man be divided become two, include : 

1. Pseudogynecomastia.
The magnification of mammae at man because the increase of fat in the chest area.
Usually occur effect of overweight.


Glaukoma merupakan kelompok penyakit mata yang ditandai oleh peningkatan tekanan intraocular yang mengakibatkan perubahan patologis dalam diskus optik dan cacat medan penglihatan dengan gejala pandangan mata semakin lama akan semakin berkurang sehingga akhirnya mata menjadi buta.


Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure resulting changes of pathological in optic discus and defects of eyesight with symptom of sight will on the wane, finally the eye become blind.


Secara medis, batu empedu dapat dideteksi sejak dini melalui test seperti ultrasound atau X-ray pada abdomen.


Gastric dilation volvulus ( GDV ) dapat terjadi bila lambung terisi udara dan cairan ( bloat atau gastric dilation ) dan kemudian terbalik diatas lambung itu sendiri yang disebut volvulus atau twisting.
Derajat rotasi lambung lebih dari 180 derajat, keadaan ini menyebabkan blokade suplai darah yang menuju limpa dan jaringan mati pada dinding lambung.


The term of gallstones medically be known as stones that usually form in the gall bladder or bile duct ( repository of bile at surface of posteroinferior liver ).
Gallstone also can form anywhere there is bile, such as intrahepatic, hepatic, and cystic ducts. Gallstones also may move about within bile, for example, from the gallbladder into the cystic or common duct. 


Furunculous is acute infection disease happened at follicle or pore of hair that be caused Staphylococcus aureus.
Furunculous also can be caused factor decrease of body endurance for example at alcoholism, condition of malnutrition, patient of diabetes mellitus, and patient of HIV-AIDS. Furunculous often appear at area that experience many friction and damp for example armpit area, backside, and neck.


Frostbite is a condition that can occur in both cats and dogs as a result of exposure to freezing or subfreezing temperatures.
It most commonly affects the tips of the ears, the tail, the scrotum, and the feet ( especially the toes ). Frostbitecan occur if a portion of the body, such as an ear, becomes very cold, so the blood vessels in that area constrict ( become smaller ) to help the body conserve heat. 


Definisi dari freemartin adalah sapi betina yang lahir kembar dengan sapi jantan. Sapi freemartin sepenuhnya adalah majir sehingga tidak dapat mengalami proses reproduksi, sedangkan pada sapi jantan kembaran dari sapi freemartin mempunyai kesuburan yang normal setelah dewasa.


Definition of freemartin was female cow born twin with a bull.
Freemartin cow is fully barren thus unable to undergo a process of reproduction, whereas the twin bulls from cows freemartin have normal fertility as adults. In some cases fertility of the twin bull differ this gender can be decreased and became barren after the age of a few years.


The signs of fishhooks in the mouth :
  • Drooling
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Trouble swallowing


Feline distemper, also called feline panleukopenia, cat plague, cat fever, feline agranulocytosis, and feline infectious enteritis, is an acute, highly infectious viral disease affecting members of the Felidae,Procyonidae and Mustelidae.


  • Feline distemper disebut juga feline panleukopenia, cat plague, cat fever, feline agranulocytosis, dan feline infectious enteritis.
  • Feline distemper merupakan penyakit akut sangat menular yang disebabkan virus mempengaruhi genus Felidae,Procyonidae dan Mustelidae.