Rabu, 02 Mei 2012


Procedures of sectio cesar be performed with the primary indication in all cases of dystocia that can not be treated with conservative methods, especially if conditions of the anatomy and pathological preventing birth normally.

Sectio cesar are the safe surgical procedures for the safety of mother and child. Other indication of sectio cesar is a case of inertia uteri, ruptura the uterus, pregnancy toxemia and perforation injuries of uterine.

Techniques of sectio cesar :
  1. Laparotomy be performed through incision of midline abdominal, therefore the animals in the dorsal position tilted to the right 10 ° - 20 °. The advantage of this position is more easily remove the uterus, bleeding and tissue damage is relatively small and the possibility of the formation of scar injury less .
  2. After be performed draping with the multiple drape can be made incision of midline long enough to remove the uterus. Incision starts from the cartilago xiphodeus until the edge of pubis, the edge of incision attached drape.
  3. The cornua and corpus uteri pulled by exit and made incision of longitudinally along some 5 cm that enough to remove the fetus on the surface of dorsal corpus start from the caudal to bifurcatio uteri.
  4. Fetus started pulled one by one, the fetus nearest the incision is pulled out, or pushed out incision with through the outer surface of the uterus.
  5. Amniotic membrane be opened before the placenta is separated from the uterus by using fingers or scissors and the fetus removed.
  6. Corda umbilicalis be done double clamp with artery clamp the distance of 2 to 3 cm from the abdominal wall and cut with torsio or scalpel between the two clamps.
  7. Son of animals that newborn with the clamp still attached on the umbilical cord must be clean and dry with a towel, then placed in warm box.
  8. Placenta be pulled slowly from the uterus with clamps that were installed in the umbilical cord and bleeding that occurs only very little.
  9. The other fetuses removed one by one in the same way and make sure all the fetus has been issued.
  10. Uterine incision be close with continuous suture of chusing or lambert using absorbable thread with a round cross-section needles.
  11. Uterine surface be cleaned with tampons soaked in warm isotonic saline solution, draping incision was taken and the uterine inserted into the abdominal cavity.
  12. Abdominal incision be close with simple interrupted sutures using absorbable thread on musculus oblique abdominis internus, and be continue to close the skin with simple interrupted sutures using non-absorbable thread.

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