Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


Hernia is extrusion of organ or tissue through abnormal hole.
Part of hernia consist of ring, sack, and hernia content include intestine, ovary, and omentum. Hernia can happened at all of age, young and also old. At baby or children, a more regular be caused procesus of vaginalis close less perfect along with going down of testis. 

Usually most often experienced of hernia is baby and man, because only man that having special part in stomach cavity to support its genitals function. At adult, hernia happened caused by high pressure in stomach cavity ( as a effect cough chronic, difficult defecate, existence of magnification of prostate at man, and also one who often carry heavy goods ) and weakness of stomach wall muscle because age factor.

Type of hernia according to location of hernia : 

1. Abdominal hernia.
Hernia through wall of abdomen.

2. Barth’s hernia.
Hernia among serosa wall of abdomen with serosa ductus of vitelinus persistent.

3. Femoral hernia.
Extrusion at curve of small intestine into canalis of femoralis.

4. Biclard’s hernia.
Femoral hernia at hole of safenus.

5. Hesselbach’s hernia.
Femoral hernia with sack through fascia cribriforffiis.

6. Diaphragmatic hernia.
Hernia through diaphragm.

7. Bochdalek’s hernia.
Diaphragmatic hernia congenital as a effect of failure close hiatus pleuroperitoneal.

8. Inguinal hernia.
Hernia into canalis inguinalis.

9. Holthouse’s hernia.
Inguinal hernia that luffing out thigh fold.

10. Scrotal hernia.
Inguinal hernia which have gone down into scrotum.

11. Umbilical hernia.
Hernia as a part of defect umbilicus at abdominal wall, and extrusion intestine closed by skin and subcutaneous tissue.

12. Interstitial hernia.
Hernia where some of intestine lay between two layer of abdominal wall.

13. Intermuscular hernia.
Interstitial hernia which lay between one layer of fascia or muscular abdomen.

14. Properitoneal hernia.
Interstitial hernia which lay between peritoneum parietal and fascia transversalis.

15. Hiatal hernia.
Extrusion at every structure through hiatus esophagealis diaphragm.

16. Sliding hiatal hernia.
Hiatal hernia where upper stomach, and frontier of gastroesophageal uppermost into mediastinum posterior.

17. Gastroesophageal hernia.
Hiatal hernia where back part under esophagus and part of stomach uppermost into thorax.

18. Diverticular hernia.
Extrusion at diverticulum of intestine congenital.

19. Epigastric hernia.
Hernia through linea alba.

20. Ischiatic hernia.
Hernia through foramen sacrosciatic.

21. Obturator hernia.
Hernia through foramen obturator.

22. Synovial hernia.
Extrusion of inner membrane through stratum fibrosum joint capsule.

23. Complete hernia.
Hernia where sack and content have passed orifice of hernia.

24. Retrograde hernia.
Hernia two lassoing of intestine where part among lassoing located in abdominal wall.

25. Cerebri hernia.
Extrusion of brain substance through cranium.

Hernia usually do not cause pain but will felt pain and dangerous if hernia content nipped by ring of hernia, because vein in these area in process of time will die and will happened conglomeration of poison, so that occur infection as a effect of poison that have spread and poisoning entire body. At certain case of hernia can be returned to early position through manipulation that be recognized with term reducible hernia. Case of hernia that stuff up difficult returned to through manipulation ( incarcerated hernia ) so that must be done surgical action. 

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