Rabu, 02 Mei 2012


Many owners try to equate their pet's illness or physical injury with what a human would feel in a similar situation. However, animals do not have the same mental awareness of injury as humans and they do not have the capacity to go into psychological shock or to give up.

In stress condition, if an animal is in shock, it is usually due to physical reasons and not psychological ones.

If occur physical injury, any pets may have an immediate pain response, but in a few minutes or hours will be oblivious to it. Any pet could overcome horrendous physiological injuries, and given similar injuries, your pet will always recover faster than you would.

Case of physical injury in pets :
Max, 6 year old, golden retriever showed the skin was pulled off of the entire right side of his head and hung down across his chest, four teeth were missing from the right side of his jaw and both right front leg bones were broken, above and below the elbow.

The skin and muscles of his abdomen were completely ripped. He showed a nasty laceration that extended from behind the right side of his head halfway down his hip and a portion of his lung was hanging out between two broken ribs.

Veterinarian quickly assessed the situation and put him on intravenous fluids loaded with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Within minutes veterinarian had him in surgery.

The process in surgery including :
  • Removing the exposed part of his lung
  • Repairing the severely damaged intestines
  • Tacking the skin back over his face
  • By the next day he had recovered enough for us to repair the broken bones
  • Closing the majority of lacerations and permanently mend the lacerations
If something life threatening should happen to your pet, try to remember not to put yourself in his place.

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