Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Garuda Pancasila

Pancasila as a ideology and philosophy Indonesian nation be taken from Ianguage of Sansakerta that have meaning five good behaviour. In fact teaching of pancasila have been there are since away back before Indonesian nation be formed, Pancasila are elementary teaching for moral at religion Buddha, where this is teaching of embraced by follower of Siddhartha Gautama.

In religion of Buddha, Pancasila sounding as follows :
  1. Will not kill the creature of life ( value of human ).
  2. Will not take something that not be passed to its ( value of justice ).
  3. Will not play at woman or the man ( fornicating tooly, value of family ).
  4. Will not lying ( value of sincerity ).
  5. Will not addiction of anything ( value of Iiberation ).
In Indonesian nation, Pancasila be known with symbol " Garuda Pancasila " that be used as a symbol of nation. This symbol be designed by Sultan Hamid II from Pontianak, then be perfected by President Sukarno.

Content of Pancasila as a philosophy base of Indonesianation :
  1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa ( Believing In One God ).
  2. Kemanusiaan Yang Adil Dan Beradab ( Human that have justice and civilized ).
  3. Persatuan Indonesia ( Association Indonesian ).
  4. Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin Oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan Dalam Permusyawaratan/ Perwakilan ( Led Nationality By Blessing Wisdom In Parley/ Delegation ).
  5. Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia ( Justice of Social For All People Indonesian ).
Meaning symbol " Garuda Indonesian "
1. Shield at middle of representing Indonesian defence.
2. Symbol in each shield give meaning " sila " at Pancasila are :
  • Star as a symbol of " Sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa “ ( Believing In One God ).
  • Enchain as a symbol of “ Sila Kemanusiaan Yang Adil Dan Beradab “ ( Human that have justice and civilized ).
  • Tree of " Beringin " as a symbol of “ Sila Persatuan Indonesia“ ( Association Indonesian ).
  • The head of bull as a symbol of “ Sila Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin Oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan Dalam Permusyawaratan/ Perwakilan “ ( Led Nationality By Blessing Wisdom In Parley/ Delegation ).
  • Paddy and cotton as a symbol of " Sila Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia " ( Justice of Social For All People Indonesian ).
  • Color white red as a symbol of color Indonesian flag.
  • Athwart thick Black Line in shield as a symbol of Indonesiaregion that be got through by equator line.
3. Amount of fur as a symbol of proclamation day for independence Indonesian, at 17 augustus 1945 are :
  • Amount of fur at each of wing are 17.
  • Amount of fur at tail are 8.
  • Amount of fur under shield / tail jetty amount are 19.
  • Amount of fur at neck are 45.
  • Clutched ribbon by bird of Garuda writing down password Indonesian nation is " Bhinneka Tunggal Ika " meaning " berbeda - beda, tetapi tetap satu jua " ( differing but still remain one also ).

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