Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

In Vitro Fertilization

Definition of tube baby as follows : 
  • Babies are the occurence or the process of conception outside the body of a woman.
  • Tubes are made as a place of conception the sperm and ovum to fetus.
  • Babies who the process of conception is made in such a way with technology and medical considerations so carefully, so that similar with situation of the oviduct and uterus of women where the sperm and ovum fertilization usually occurs after successful fertilization process will be transplantation of embryos in the uterus for pregnancy and birth of a baby .
There are two artificial insemination techniques for the process of tube baby, include :

1. In Vitro Fertilization ( IVF )
Implementation with intake of sperm and ova then processed in vitro ( tube ), after conception will be transferred to the uterus of mother's.

2. Gamet Intra Felopian Tuba (GIFT)
Implementation with intake of sperm and ova, after occurs fertilization immediately the transplantation in the oviduct ( fallopian tube ).

If viewed in terms of sperm, ova and embryo transplants places, tube baby can be divided into 8 types, including :
  1. Tube baby using sperm and an ovum from the couple of husband and wife, then transplanted of embryo into the uterus of his wife.
  2. Tube baby using sperm and an ovum from the couple of husband and wife, then transplanted of embryo into the uterus of surrogate mother.
  3. Tube baby using sperm from her husband and an ovum from a donor, and then transplanted the embryo into the uterus of wife.
  4. Tube baby using sperm from donors and ovum from the wife, then transplanted the embryo in the uterus of his wife.
  5. Tube baby using sperm from donors and ovum from the wife, then transplanted the embryo in the uterus of surrogate mother.
  6. Tube baby using the husband's sperm and an ovum from a donor, then transplanted the embryo in the uterus of surrogate mother.
  7. Tube baby using sperm and an ovum from a donor, and then transplanted the embryo in the uterus of his wife.
  8. Tube baby using sperm and an ovum from a donor, then the embryo in a womb transplanted into surrogate mother.

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