Selasa, 08 Mei 2012


Oration of  Mr.Soekarno in front of Conference PARTINDO, Mataram, Jogjakarta 1933 about MARHAEN, MARHAENIS, MARHAENISME.

Marhaenism is Sosio Nationalism and SosioDemocracy.
  1. Marhaen is proletarian clan Indonesian, Indonesian peasantry that miserable and another miserable clan in the Indonesian.
  2. Partindo use word of Marhaen, and not proletarian because of proletarian word including in word of Marhaen, and because of proletarian word can be interpreted if peasantry and another clan that miserable do not the including in it.
  3. Because Partindo have confidence that if in struggle, another miserable clan in the Indonesian must become its elements, hence Partindo use word of Marhaen.
  4. In struggle of clan Marhaen, hence Partindo have confidence that if Proletarian clan participate biggest.
  5. Marhaenism is principality that have desire formation of society and formation of country that in things saving clan of Marhaen.
  6. Marhaenisme is also as a way of struggle to reach formation of country like that, therefore must there is way of struggle that Revolutionary.
  7. So that Marhaenisme is way of struggle and principality that be destined to loss of every Capitalism and Imperialism.
  8. Marhaenism is namely everyone Indonesian nation doing Marhaenism.
Oration of Mr. Soekarno in front of Big Conference GMNI, Kaliurang 1959.
" According to me Principality Marhaenism is Principality most suited for Movement of People Indonesian "

Its formula are :
  1. Marhaenism is Principality that have desire formation of society that in all things saving clan of Marhaen.
  2. Marhaenism is way of struggle that revolutionary according to character of clan marhaen in general.
  3. Marhaenism is dus principality and way of struggle " tegelijk " up at loss of Capitalism, Imperialism and Colonialism.
Positively, so Marhaenism me name also with SOSIO NATIONALISM and SOSIO DEMOCRACY, because Nationalism of clan Marhaen is Nationalism up at Social of Bewust, and hence Democracy of clan Marhaen is also Democracy up at Social of Bewust.

And who me name with Clan Marhaen ??
Which me name with Clan Marhaen are : Every Indonesian people that miserable, or more precise is clan miserable by Systemof Capitalism, Imperialism, and Colonialism.

Clan Marhaen consist of three element :
  • First : Element of Clan Proletarian ( Labour ).
  • Second : Element of Peasantry miserable of Indonesian.
  • Third : another miserable clan in the Indonesian.
And who me meaning with clan Marhaenis ??
Clan Marhaenis are every combatant and everynation hero.
  • Thing that organizing millions of that Marhaen clan.
  • Thing that together with effort of mass Marhaen will uproot System of capitalism, Imperialism, and Colonialism.
  • Thing that together with mass marhaen developing nation and society that strong, happy, prosperous and fair.
Its essence is that Marhaenis representing everyone which doing Marhaenism such as those which I explain is mentioned.
Pay attention really !! Every clan Marhaenis struggle for the benefit of clan Marhaen and together clan Marhaen.

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