Rabu, 09 Mei 2012


Soekarno or usually be called Mr. Karno as a the first President of Indonesia and at the same time Mr. Hatta become independence proclamator. As a magnate and be admired many people, Soekarno is true have taft idea and personality. Transmitted charisma never last till now, its bravery to fight of colonist and also value of its patriotism require to be imitated by the rising generation now.

Soekarno born in town of Blitar 6 June 1901 at the time of chicken begin crow to mark sun begin shine, therefore he also be nicknamed " SON of THE DAWN ". Its Father so called Raden Sukemi Sosrodiharjo and its Mother so called Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Though Soekarno born in Blitar but rather passing the time in Surabaya to stay together someone of struggle figure very famous and give many influence at pattern thinking of young Soekarno at that moment, he is H.O.S Tjokroaminoto. In Surabaya, Mr. Karno continue school in HBS (Hoogere Burger School ) a school as a property of Dutch. After finish continue to technical school in Bandung namely THS ( Technische Hoogschool ), graduation and get tittle of Engineer in civil technical field at 25 may 1926.

From its civil technical field, Soekarno more active at the world of politics, possible be insisted on by situation of nation at that moment far gone under colonist. Soekarno develop a organization is PNI at 4 july 1930, in it Soekarno very opposing colonist of Dutch so that be gaoled in Sukamiskin Bandung at 29 December 1929, though in custody struggle of Soekarno never died. In its defence, Soekarno open world eye will badness of Dutch with its article entitle " Indonesia Menggugat " ( Indonesian Sue ). Moment Soekarno in sukamiskin, PNI have been disbanded by Dutch at July 1930, after exit Soekarno joint forces with Partindo year 1931. As does in PNI, Soekarno voice again bravely arise spirit to oppose Dutch, as a result Dutch detaching Soekarno in area of Ende Flores at year 1933 during 4 year, then be carried over in Bengkulu. Oration Mr. Karno many content political philosophy that enough jell, one other becoming guidance till in this time is oration in conference BPUPKI at 1 June 1945, where in it Soekarno first time mention 5 life philosophy that more be known by the name of PANCASILA. After independence proclamation of Republic of Indonesia 17 August 2945, base on conference PPKI 18 August 1945 so that choosen together with Mr. Hatta as a President and Vice President of Republic of Indonesia.

In international assocciation arena, name of Soekarno very be respected, he try to unite nations like Asian, African, and Latin America pass conference asian african in Bandung 1955 that then round into Nonaligned Movement. Ruination of power Soekarno happened after rebellion of G-30-S / PKI where this event bear crisis of politics social and causing responsibility of President Sukarno be refused and lift Suharto as a President functionary. After these occurence, health of Soekarno continue to deteriorate, reaching its top at 21 June 1970 and dying in RSPAD and be sent to sorrowful house in Wisma Yaso, then be buried in Blitar.

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