Selasa, 17 April 2012

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of a growing tumor in the chest around the breast. This disease can be contagious men and women but usually only suffered by women. Breast cancer is a group of cancers that are categorized as ferocious cancer, only with the early treatment that allows sufferers recover. In Indonesia, this cancer is the leading cause of death in women.

Risk factors that trigger breast cancer:

  • Heredity.
  • Menstrual period before age 12 years and experiencing menopause after age 55 years.
  • The first pregnancy after 30 years or had never been pregnant.
  • Consume alcohol.
  • Consuming high-fat foods.
  • Prolonged stress.
  • Quickly bring your self to a doctorif there are some symptoms of breast cancer, because breast cancer is generally treated after severe stage.

Symptoms of breast cancer :

  • There bump in the breast. Initially small and then grew larger, usually without pain followed.
  • The nipple or surrounding skin drawn into.
  • Ulcers occur in the breast, the longer growing, rotten smelling and bleeding.
  • Nipples bleeding.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit area, swelling in the arm.
  • Actually, breast cancer can be detected by your self, by doing a simple way of checking is done independently. Detection is known as breast self-examination at home on a regular basis, withhow to recognize symptoms that have been mentioned above.

We recommend that breast cancer is quickly known, so the sooner known medical treatment easier.

Prevention of breast cancer :

  • Conducting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Consume adequate nutrition and balanced.
  • Give ASI ( mother milk ) after giving birth to the baby.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • To review early each day on a regular basis.

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