Senin, 30 April 2012


Calcium nephropathy is disorder of structure and function of renal because hypercalciuria and hypercalcaemia.

Hypercalcaemia cause calcification, degeneracy, necrosis, and flaking of epitel cell from tubulus. If hypercalcaemia happened during old ones will cause precipitation of calcium at entire renal parenchyma, tubules of epithel and membrane of basalis. The increase of calcium concentration in serum can cause sill value of stimulus from tissue of nerve will increase and happened emphasis at contraction artless muscle, and cardiac muscle with the existence of atone stomach and intestine, bradicardia, and arrhythmia.

At dog can occur calcium nephropathy because of : 

1. Primary hyperparathyroidisme.
Release of abundant parathyroid improve mobilization of calcium and pospat from bone, improving resorption of calcium from tubules of renal and intestine lumen, also the decrease resorption of phosphate from tubules of renal. Therefore occur the increase of calcium concentration in serum and the decrease of phosphate.

2. Pseudohyperparathyroidisme.
There is process of neoplastic maligna non parathyroid which can yield materials similar like parathormon causing hypophosphate and hypercalcaemia. At dog can occur pseudohyperparathyroidism with condition of lymphoma malign.

The clinical sign at case of calcium nephropathy : 
  • Polyuria
  • Polydipsia
  • Dehydration
  • Weakness of muscle
  • Uremia
Differential diagnose at case of calcium nephropathy : 
  1. Primary renal insufficiency with secondary renal hyperparathyroidism, without occur hypercalcaemia.
  2. Uremia because congenital renal disease.
Therapy at case of calcium nephropathy : 
  1. Causal therapy.
  2. Therapy of fluid intravenous to overcome to dehydration and lacking of electrolyte.
  3. Therapy of diuretic to increase secretion of calcium through urin.
  4. Therapy of phosphate salt intravenously or per oral will lessen hypercalcaemia with piling up calcium in soft tissue or bone.
  5. Therapy of uremia.

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