Selasa, 17 April 2012

Eye exercise and brain gym for take care of eyesight quality

Naturally along with accretion of age can happened the decrease of eye sight, this matter generally caused by two factor such as there are disorder in reach and eye movement.

But these process can be delayed with doing eye exercise and brain gym routinely. With eye exercise entire eye muscle can be trained through movement that be compiled in such a manner so that inactive muscle can function again normally. If eye exercise with brain gym be done combination so that will be got double benefit like reach of eye increase and at the same time trainability of brain maximally, stimulate starboard brain and left side become balanced so that can prevent occur dementia.

Eye exercise and brain gym be done by moving eyeball actively according to determined pattern and each movement be obliged with head position kept quiet vertical forwards, and also be interspersed with closing eyes orwink as lubricant of the eye to prevent dry eye. For the movement of cross the meet line at brain gym so that enough with wink of eye.

Movement of eye exercise include :

  • Closing of eye hardly. Hold up until five second, then theeye be opened. Doing the movement ten times.
  • Eye glance up and closing the eye with easy going during five second. Continuing with eye see under and closing eye. Doing each movement ive times.
  • Eye must see to right side and close eyes during fivesecond. Then seen to left side and closing of eye. Doing each movement fivetimes.
  • Eye see right under and closing eye, hold up till fivesecond. Continuing eye see left under and closing eye. Doing each movement fivetimes.
  • Eye peep at right - left horizontally. Doing movement tentimes.

Movement of brain gym include :

1. Movement cross the meet line.
Conceiving if seeing sign x. Follow line which forming these sign. First,eye see left angle up then to right angle under. Second, eye see right angle up then to left angle under. Doing each movement five times. Each eye movement be interspersed with flicker as a Iubricant.

2. Movement 8 sleep.
These exercise require hand aid. Putting hand that diametrical horizontally in front of face. Eye focus at the end of thumb. Then, conceiving scoring 8 inposition sleep with thumb. Follow the movement of thumb with eye. First, movingthumb to side of left up, downwards, forming half of figure of eight until return to middle.

Moment doing these movement, eye follow thumb motion. Second,thumb to side of right up, downwards according to clockwise return to middle. Eye also follow these movement. Remember, head may not be moved only eyeball. Doing movement ten times. If made scoring 8 in position sleep greater, so that reach of eye is wider.

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