Selasa, 17 April 2012


A side effect, as opposed to a complication is medically minor. Side effect can be uncomfortable, annoying, and even painful.

The side effect of liposuction include :

Can be painful in the short term, and should fade after a few weeks.

Should subside gradually over a month or two.

Will vary in size depending on the particular procedure, and should fade over the weeks. Scarring is an individual thing, partly dependent on heredity. For some, scar healing may take as long as a year.

Should be temporary and controlled by either over-the-counter medication, or by a prescription.

Sometimes persists for a few weeks.

Limited mobility
Will depend on the exact procedure.

There could be various factors limiting movement for a shortwhile, such as :
  • Wearing a compression garment
  • Keeping the head elevated
  • Temporary swelling or pain

The more serious possible complications include :
Allergic reaction to medications or material used during surgery.

Any time the body is incised or punctured, bacteria can getin and cause an infection. During liposuction, multiple small puncture woundsare made for inserting the cannula, that can vary in size depending on the technique.

Damage to the skin
Most surgeons work on the deeper levels of fat, so as to avoid wounding the skin any more than they must for the insertion of the cannula.

Sometimes the cannula can damage tissue beneath the skin, which may show up as a spotted appearance on the skin surface.

Skin necrosis ( dead skin ) is a rare complication, in which the skin falls off in the necrotic area. The problem can vary in degree. The resulting wound then needs to heal typically requiring extended wound care.

Puncture of an internal organ
Since the surgeon can't see the cannula, sometimes it damages an internal organ, such as the intestines during abdominal liposuction. Such damage can be corrected surgically, although in rare cases it can befatal. An experienced cosmetic surgeon is unlikely to puncture any internal organ.

Contour irregularities
Sometimes the skin may look bumpy and/or withered, because of uneven fat removal, or poor skin elasticity. Not all patients heal in the same way, and with older patients the healing may be slower and a bit imperfect. Sometimes a small touch-up procedure can help.

Thromboembolism and fat embolisation
Although liposuction is a low-risk procedure for thrombo embolism including pulmonary embolism, the risk can't be ignored.

Sometimes the cannula movement can cause friction burns to skin or nerves. Also, in UAL, the heat from the ultrasound device can cause injury to the skin or deeper tissue.

Lidocaine toxicity
When the super-wet or tumescent methods are used, too much saline fluid may be injected, or the fluid may contain too high a concentration of  lidocaine. Then the lidocaine may become too much for that particularperson’s system. Lidocaine poisoning at first causes tingling and numbness and eventually seizures, followed by unconsciousness and respiratory or cardiacarrest.

Fluid imbalance
Since fat contains a lot of fluid and is removed in liposuction, and since the surgeon injects fluid for the procedure, even a verylarge amount of it for tumescent liposuction, there is a danger of the body’sfluid balance being disturbed. This could happen afterwards, after the patientis at home. If too much fluid remains in the body, the heart, lungs and kidneys could be badly affected.

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