Selasa, 17 April 2012


Hordeolum is an infectious disease of sebaseos gland in the eyelid that caused by the bacterium Staphylococcusaureus and Morraxella islocalized, purulent and inflamed. This disease often occurs in patients who suffer from acne or dermatitis, especially the type of seboroik dermatitis. The symptoms of this disease is the sense of spraging the eyelids, then turned intopain that increases when bowing or suppressed and often appeared at the near by of the eyelash jetty.

There are several types of hordeolum namely :

1. External Hordeolum.
In this type of infection is glands zeis and moll to form lumps that protruding of exit.

2. Internal Hordeolum.
In this type of infection is glands meibom which form lumps protruding into and swelling that rather large.
In the case of hordeolum that recurring precautions must bedone by always washing hands after finishing activity. Treatment of hordeolum with small lumps do not require special treatment because they can heal themselves.

In severe cases there are 3 stages of therapy are :
  • Provision of warm water compresses 3 to 4 times a day for 10- 15 minutes.
  • Providing topical antibiotics for 7 -8 days and if necessarygiven oral antibiotics.
  • If the inflammation is gone and the lump was still there maybe surgery to remove the pus.

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