Senin, 30 April 2012


Eclampsia or puerpural tetani is tetani that occuring in dogs or cats after partus ( ± 3 - 4 weeks post partus ) or usually before partus.

Eclampsia occurs because the reduction of ions Ca in extracellular fluid. This condition of hypocalcaemia cause occurred changes in potential of the cell membrane so that resulting in spontaneous discharge of nerve fibers with contraction due tonis or tonoklonis in skeletal muscle. Hypocalcaemia usually occurs at the peak period of lactation, in ± 1 - 4 weeks post partus, which may be caused by disturbance of balance income and expenditure calcium from deposit of calcium.

Clinical signs of eclampsia are : 
  • Nervous
  • Ataxia
  • Legs stiff and not able to walk
  • Animals lying on the lateral side in a state of spastic
  • Stimulation received intensify tetani, which occurs epileptiform like seizures.
  • Could there was a death due to complications from cerebral edema dispneu or hipertermia.
Therapy on eclampsia, including : 
  1. Provision of 10% Ca solution intravenously as much as 5 to 10 cc or until the spasm decrease. The best thing is giving Ca glukonas because hypoglycemia is usually occur.
  2. If temperature > 41 °C animals will given with cold water.
  3. Separating children from the livestock parent.
  4. Provide a good quality diet with a ratio Ca: P balanced (1.4: 1).
Efforts to prevent attacks eclampsia at the following birth given additional ions Ca during gravid and lactation. 

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