Senin, 16 April 2012

About Free Radical

Free radical infact come from oxygen molecule that chemically experience structure change sothat have level of high reactive and naturally there is in body variously, but generally as a effect various process of biochemical in the body, resulting from another side from process oxidize or combustion of cell that goes on when breathing, cell metabolism, abundant doing sport, inflammation, or environmental pollution like vehicle smoke, cigarette smoke, and cosmic radiation.

Chemically, free radical be defined as a atom/molecule/compound that have oneor more electron have not pairs, therefore to get electron pairs so that free radical becomes very reactive to destroy tissue and tended to react with molecule of body cell, and then generate compound below par ( new free radicalwhich more reactive ) and begin reaction which can destroy important cell.

Free radical that circulating in body will steal electron that exist in another molecule like DNA and cell, so that will destroy the DNA and cell. Generated damage can cause cell becoming unstabilize and have potency will causing cancer, liver disease, arthritis, cataract, and another degenerative disease, even also quicken process of aging.

Example of free radical is superoxida ( O2-), hydroxyl ( OH-), nitroxida ( NO), peroxide hydrogen (H2O2), hypochlorite acid ( HOCL), thill ( RS-), etc. Degree of strength every free radical differ, and riskiest compound is hydroxyl ( OH-) because have reactivity most high. Free radical also there are in environment coming from air pollution, tobacco smoke,evaporation of abundant alcohol, manure and preservative, ultra violet ray,X-Rays, and ozone.

In fact, forming of free radical is biochemical mechanism that normal. Free radical have the character as a medium that can swiftly turned into substanceso that is not dangerous again for body. But, if happened contact among freeradical with enzyme or unsaturated fatty acid duplicate will generate damage of cell for example :

1. Damage of DNA.
Change of abnormal at certain gene in body can generate is cancerous.

2. Damage of membrane cell.
If unsatiated fat acid duplicate as a important component of cell membrane be attacked free radical will cause structure and function of membrane change in astate of extreme and finally kill cell at body tissue.

3. Damage of protein.
Happening damage of protein as a effect of free radical attack including protein oxidation that resulting damage of tissue as a protein place reside in. The example is damage of protein at eyepiece resulting cataract.

4. Damage of lipid peroxide.
Damage of lipid peroxide happened if unsaturated fat acid be attacked free radical so that will yield peroxide then can cause damage of cell, and be assumed as a one of cause the happening of various degenerative disease.

5. Process of aging.
Damage of tissue by free radical will quicken process of aging, like lost of elasticity at tissues of collagen and muscle, happen lipofuchsin at skin as aeffect of hoard from result of combustion in cell.

6. Generate process of autoimmune. 
Autoimmune is form of antibody to an ordinary body cell and this matter can destroy body tissue and very dangerous if continuously formed to overcome free radical.
Free radical able destroy body cell if excess free radical at body or body lacking of antioxidant. This matter be caused free radical will be neutralized antioxidant so that don't have ability again steal electron from DNA and cellby giving electron to free radical.

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