Senin, 16 April 2012


Abortion coming from latin language that means obstetricalmis carriage or remove the fetus.

In the terminology there is some term of abortions, among other things :
Termination of pregnancy before the period of gestation atthe 28th week or before fetus reach weight1000 grams.

Termination of pregnancy or result of conception (fertilization ) before the fetus can live outside the womb.
Abortion of fetus in condition alive or dead before it canlive outside the womb, but some part of organs body has been formed.

Spending result of conception from the uterus before birth naturally.
In the medically action, Abortion can be distinguished intwo forms, namely :

1. Spontaneous abortion.
Abortion is happening by itself, is not accidental and without influence from the outside or without any medical action. Abortion may occur due to one of the pair is a venereal disease, blooding, accidents, etc..

2. Provocatus abortion.

Abortion is done with deliberate action. Abortion include two categories :

a. Abortion provocatus therapeuticus.
Abortions performed by doctors on the basis of consideration of medical indications for the purpose of saving the mother soul.

b. Abortion provocatus criminalis.
Abortion performed without medical indication basis. For example abortion isperformed to eliminate fetal outcome relationship outside of marriage, end the pregnancy because of factors ekomoni, etc..

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