Selasa, 17 April 2012


In medical world, common cold so-called with upper respiratory infection and as well as influenza disease, common cold also caused by more than 200 kinds of virus such as rhinovirus,influenza virus,para-influenza virus, syncytial virus and corona virus.

Common cold represent as a group of symptom that be resulted from the existence of disorder at human being body system and in general, body system that experience of disorder are digestion system, respiratory system,and also circulation system of blood and heart.

Symptom that often times be felt when experiencing of common cold begin from flatulent be accompanied to feel uncomfort, queasy, fever, cough, flu,confused, difficult to belch, trouble defecate, tongue felt bitter, till sweat cold, and this matter making common cold becomes important because its symptom can as a sign the existence another disease. As well as symptom of sweat cold in fact represent from disorder that happened at heart or medically so-calleda cute heart attack. Polio symptom that initially similar with influenza canhappen wrong interpret as a common cold symptom. At people that consuming many food that can generate gas like bean or cabbage also often wrong interpret as acommon cold symptom, though feeling of queasy be caused flatulent.

Common cold handling that precise begin by striving healthy environment, givenutrition that healthy and proportional so that obtain body endurance that lastfor fight against various virus which can cause the happening of infection. East culture over come common cold symptom with scraping technique. 

Scraping principle is effort improve energy and temperature at area that be donescraping. Make-Up of this energy be done by giving stimulate at exterior bodyskin. Stimulate at surface of skin with scraping, so that receiver nerve stimulate at brain submit stimulus to evoke effect of repair at organ that be related to body meridian dot like for example lung organ. Effect of scraping which will be reached is development of skin vein that experience of vasoconstriction as a effect of attack common cold or less motion, so that blood race along. Addition of blood stream to surface of skin improve body defense mechanism to virus attack. Scraping principle similar with warm-up principle using moxa that often be used when acupuncture needle be jabed at body to overcome common cold. Scraping appliance that usually be used are metal money, coin, or special appliance for common cold that be made from plastical, bone, ceramic, jade, ginger cutting, onion cutting, and others. Scraping process can be added with using oil that functioning heating body and smoothout scraping process so that avoid the happening of chafed skin. When be done scraping will happened change of skin colour begin from red, blue, till black.Change of skin colour will show level of pain, skin colour that old progressively show progressively hard these disease. Scraping can be done atpart of body like neck, shoulder, waist, the back or all parts of body, exceptgenitals, anus, and eyeball. Better direction of scraping be adapted with dot of acupuncture and meridian, direction of scraping from to the down wards and can also level off.

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