Selasa, 17 April 2012

Cholesterol Therapy Using Star Fruit

Use of star fruit juice for the purpose of healing has long been done by people in some areas. Star fruit contains protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron. esides that star fruit also contain vitamins A, B1, and C,and star fruit useful to decrease blood pressure and also as anticancer

In the cell of star fruit contain pectin which is a gel forming substance. Pectin can bind cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine.

Star fruit juice choosed as a possible drug therapy for healing of cholesterol, caused star fruit has a sweet taste with a little sour, so it is also refreshing than cure. Before making this juice we must must have been selection ripe fruit and sweet taste.

Ways of making star fruit juice :

4 star fruit and water that have been cooked more than 50 ml.

Making ways:
1. Select the correct ripe star fruit
2. Then wash until clean
3. Sliced crosswise in small size
4. Enter the incision into the Juicer or blender, and make the juice.
5. And then add 50 ml water and warm briefly.

Consumption rule:
Drunk in warm conditions, 3 times each day - each 50 ml

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