Selasa, 17 April 2012


Resuscitation is reanimate in meaning as a efforts that can be done to prevent cardiac arrestand continue to become death of biology.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) is procedure of medical emergency condition that be done on the heart attack and respiratory arrest. CPR is combination of respiration aid and heart compression that be done to the victim of heart attack.

Indication of cardiopulmonary resuscitation :

A. Respiratory arrest.
Respiratory arrest can be caused by many matter, for example stroke attack, poisoning of drug, sink, inhalation of smoke, obstruksi respiratory be caused by foreign object, pounced by thunder, stung of electrics, attack of in fark heart , inflammatory of epiglotis, suffocation, trauma and others. In the early of respiratory arrest, heart still beat, pulse still felt, given oxygen to brain and other vital organ enough until few minutes. If respiratory arrest get treatment immediately so patient will be saved by its life conversely if losing time will cause cardiac arrest.

B. Cardiac arrest.Cardiac arrest is not ready pour heart to give requirement of oxygen to brain and other vital organ suddenly and can be return normal, will cause death or damage of brain. Cardiac arrest terminal that caused by old age or chronic disease of course do not including the cardiac arrest. Mostly cardiac arrest caused by fibrilation of ventrikel or tachicardi without throb, ventrikel of asistol and disosiasi of electro-mechanic. Fibirilation of ventrikel happened because heart activity coordination disappear.

The symptom of cardiac arrest include :
  • Pulse of femoralis karotis or radialis do not felt
  • Sianosis
  • Respiratory arrest ( gasping, apnu)
  • Dilatation of pupil do not respond to light stimulus
  • Unconscious patient.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation be divided became three of phase as follow :

1. Phase I.
Basic life support that is procedure of emergency treatment overcome obstruksiof respiratory, respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest, and how to way done of CPR correctly, include :
Airway : taking care of respiratory tract remain to be open.
Breathing : ventilate of pulmonary and oxygenisation that added.
Circulation : performing artificial circulation with compression of cardiopulmonary.

2. Phase II.
Advance life support is basic life support that added with as follow :
  • Drugs : giving of drugs include therapy of fluid.
  • EKG : diagnose by elektrocardiografis as soon as possible after started of advance cardiac surprise, to know what there is fibrilation of ventrikel, asistole or agonal ventricular complexes.
  • Fibrillation treatment : action to overcome fibrilation of ventrikel.

3. Phase III.
Prolonged life support, include :
  • Gauge : measurement and inspection for monitoring of patient continually, be assessed, be searched its cause and then cured it.
  • Head : action of resuscitation to save nerve systems and brain from damage as a effect of cardiac arrest, so that can be prevented occuring abnormalitas of neurologic that permanent.
  • Hipotermi : immediately be done if no repair of center nerve function is at temperature among 30° - 32°C.
  • Humanization : have to be remembered if victim that helped is human being having feeling, in consequence all action have to be humanism.
  • Intensive care : ventilation support such tracheostomy,controlled exhalation continuously, sonde of stomach, measurement of pH andpCO2 if needed, and circulation support, control of spastic.
  • Procedure of CPR
  • Basically, cardiopulmonary resuscitation consist of two element : compressionof chest and artificial respiration ( mouth-to-mouth ). Procedure ofcardiopulmonary resuscitation can be done with chest compression 30 times and 2times artificial respiration. But before helping victim, better assess environmental situation beforeh and :

Is victim in one's sober senses ?
  • Is victim visible is unconscious ? clap or shake down victim shoulder and enquire aloud like " what is just good you ?"
  • If victim do not responsive, as soon as possible contact to hospital, and immediately can be done CPR.

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