Selasa, 17 April 2012


Cardiac rehabilitation is a  program of recovery after a heart attack or after the action of invasive at the heart that include the medical evaluation, preparation of training programs, modification of risk factor, education and counseling.

Treadmill test is one type of heart weight training can be done in a cardiac rehabilitation program. The results of treadmill test can beused as base for type of sport and physical activity that recommended for patients with heart disease.

If the treadmill test not yet workable, because physical exercise is very important and beneficial to keep body to stay healthy, improve mobility, reduce stress for people with heart disease are advised to perform light physical activity such as exercise by walking on flat road for 20 minutes.

Provisions that need to be considered in physical exercise for heart patients to avoid the negative impact of fatigue, as follows :
  • Should be preceded exercise of warm up from 5 to 10 minutes and ended with exercise cooling from 5 to 10 minutes, do 3 - 5 times a week.
  • We recommend that you must be wait until at least two hours after eating when exercise for obtain enough energy and not easily tired.
  • Discontinuing physical exercise when feeling fatigue,weakness, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, chest pain and headache.
  • Check your pulse rate every 15 minutes, if it exceeds 120 to150 times / min then consult a doctor immediately.

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