Senin, 16 April 2012


Autism is disorder represent autistic troublewith the definition of a state which is dominated by thoughts or behaviors that are subjectif and can not be corrected by information from the outside.

Infantile autism or childhood autism is defined as disorderof communication and behavior, usually occurs since birth and always found at the age child of 3 years, marked by self-preoccupation, associated with severe rejection relationships with others including the mother figure, the desire for things the same things, preoccupies with the in animate object, place language development disorders, arising strange movements repeated, would not meet if you talk to and do not look when summoned.

In normal development, a baby begins to interact with the mother at the age of 3 months. When the mother started talking, the baby will hear and respond with chatter. At the age of 8 months the baby is can jokes,his eyes sharp and watching him interact with people. Infant autism the mentioned thing very less even there no. A baby autism not even often to avoid other people's eyes, being indifferent to the stimuli, refusing to interact, like playing alone, very nice attention to toys that hang over the bed and giggled if the toy is spinning.

Autism is caused by disturbances in the development of brain cells during in the womb. At the time of cell formation is an interruption of the virus ( rubella, toxo, CMV, herpes ), fungi ( candida ), oxygenation, food poisoning or inhalation, so that the growth of brain cells in some places to be imperfect.

Disturbances in the brain that cause autism, among others :

1. Disturbances in the cerebellum ( small brain )
There are hipoplasia cerebellum mainly in lobus of 6-7,which occur of fetal period and there is a deficiency of Purkinje cells ( cellswith a content of high serotonin ). Disruption of the balance between then euro transmitter serotonin and dopamine causes traffic chaos in the brain impulses.

Cerebellum functions not only set the balance of body system, but it also plays a role in sensory processes,thinking, memory, learning and attention, so the typical symptoms of this disorder is the inability to shift attention rapidly, for example when busy of watching something akin not to see if called upon. Child with autism cannot together enjoy playing.

2. Disorder of limbic system
Limbic system is the emotional center located in the inner brain. In people with autism in typical abnormalities in the limbic region called the hippocampus and amydala, in both organ the neuron cells grow very dense and small, so the function becomes less good. Hippocampus plays a role inthe function of learn and memory, so that if an interruption resulted can causes difficulty in considering new information in memory, there washyper activity and strange behavior repeated. Amydala role in controlling the function of aggression and emotion, disorders of these organs resulted in the child less able to control his emotions, often a tantrum when not getting his wish, sometimes suddenly laughing, crying or angry for no apparent reason.There are aggressiveness directed at people or yourself Ian, often show fearthe unusual, such as fear of an image, place or a particular ad.

3. Disorder in the parietal lobus
On MRI examination, it appears the brain indentations in the parietal lobus is more dilated and the reduction in the number of cells. This disturbance causes limited concern for the environment.

4. Genetic Factors
Often found on identical twins who both have autism disorders. In one family can be found in some children suffering from autism.

Diagnosis of autism using DSM-IV ( diagnostic and statistical manual ) in 1994,as follows :
A. There must be at least 6 of (1), (2), and (3) with at least two symptoms from (1), and each one symptom of (2 (and (3).

(1). Disturbance qualitative in social interaction reciprocity.

The inability to establish social interactions with ample, eye contact very less, facial expressions less life, gestures less fixed.
Cannot fiddle around with friend coeval
There is no empathy ( can’t feel what other people feel ).
Less able to make connections to social and emotional reciprocity.

(2). Disturbance qualitative in the field of communication.
a. Development of speaking slowly or not at all developed. Children are not trying to communicate non-verbally.
b. If the child can talk, the speech was not used to communication.
c. Often using a strange language and repeated.
d. How to play less varied, less imaginative and less able to imitate.

(3). The existence of a pattern sustained and repetitive on behavior, interestsand activities.

a. Maintain one or more interests in a very unique and excessive.

b. Fixed on the ritualistic activities or routines useless.

c. There are strange movements are typical and repeated.

d. Often very fascinated to parts of the object.

B. Before the age of 3 years seems a delay or interruption in the field (1) social interaction, (2) speech and language, and (3) how to play a monotonousand less varied.

C. It was not caused by Rett syndrome or Disinteggratif disorders in childhood period.

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