Senin, 16 April 2012

Anti Aging With Antioxidants

Free radicals according to some studies has been known can destroy the infection efficiently, but often not controlled to mechanism in the body so that sometimes attack the cells of body and causes of cell death, which triggered early aging or even cancer. Antioxidants are many found in fruits and vegetables is the antidote to free radicals as trigger malignancy with prevent development of free radical in the body, repair cells of body that damaged sothat also serves to prevent early aging.

The role of antioxidants on health, including :

1. Prevent cancer.
Consumption of fruit and vegetables regularly can prevent the risk of cancer by 50%, as follows :
  • Consumption of carrots, spinach every day will reduce the risk of lung cancer.
  • Consumption of cabbage, broccoli and other green vegetables every day will reduce the risk of cancer of breast because of the content of a substance that can remove excess bad estrogen from the body.
  • Consumption of tomatoes each day will reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  • Consumption of fruit and vegetables, especially green or dark yellow and has a content of beta-carotene may reduce risk of endometriosis cancer.

2. Prevent cardiovascular disease.
Consumption of fruits and vegetables can prevent heart attacks and strokes.Patients with stroke that consumption of carrots or food containing high carotene daily can reduce the risk of more fatal events because the level of carotenoids in the blood are high. Diets rich in fruit and vegetable intake also helps lower blood pressure and can reduce the dose of hypertension medication until half.

3. Maintaining physical and mental abilities.
Content of lycopene in tomatoes, folic acid and B vitamins in green vegetable sand types of legumes can improve physical and mental abilities.

 4. Maintain eye ability.
Content of carotenoids, vitamin C and folic acid that many found in fruits and vegetables can prevent free radicals danger that can cause cataracts. Spinach also helps reduce the possibility of an attack macula ( yellow spots on theretina ).

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