Selasa, 17 April 2012


Menstruation is secrete physiological of blood and tissue of mucosa through vaginae that coming from uteri do not pregnant.

Cycle menstruate normal take place during 21-35 day, 2-8 day is time for secretion of menstruation blood around 20-60 ml per day.

Cycle menstruate normal be divided becomes two segment include :

1. Ovary cycle.

a. Phase of follicular.
At this phase, hormone of reproduction have role for maturing ovum that coming from 1 follicle then mature at middle of cycle and ready for process ofovulation ( releasing ovum from ovary ). Phase of follicular at human require time around 10-14 day.

b. Phase of luteal.
Phase from ovulation till menstruate with duration 14 day.

2. Uteri cycle.

a. Period of proliferation.
Period from desisting blood menstruate until ke-14 day. After menstruating has been ending, so phase of proliferation be started and happened growth from desidua fungsionalis to draw up womb for the implantation of foetus. At thisphase, endometrium grow again and between day to 12 until 14 will happened release of ovum from ovary so-called ovulation.

b. Period of secretion.
Period after the happening of ovulation. At this period, hormone of progesterone be released and influence growth of endometrium to make the condition of womb becomes ready for implantation foetus to womb.

System of hormonal that influence cycle menstruate are :

FSH-RH ( follicle stimulating hormone releasing hormone ) which be released by hypothalamus to stimulate pituitary release FSH.

LH-RH ( luteinizing hormone releasing hormone ) which be released by hypothalamus to stimulate pituitary release LH.

PIH ( prolactineinhibiting hormone ) which inhibit hipofisis to release prolactine.

In each cycle menstruate, FSH that be released by pituitary stimulate growth of follicle at ovary. Generally only one from follicle that be stimulated, but at growth can become more than one of follicle, and then will round into follicle de graaf making estrogen. This estrogen depress productionof FSH, so that pituitary release LH as a second hormone. Production of LH andFSH under influence releasing hormones ( RH ) that be channeled hypothalamus to pituitary. Channeling of RH be influenced by feed back mechanism of estrogen to hypothalamus. Production of gonadotropin hormone ( FSH and LH ) with precise will cause maturation of follicle de graaf that containing estrogen. Estrogen influence growth from endometrium. Under influence of LH, follicle de graaf becomes a mature until happen ovulation. After ovulation happened, under influence of LH and LTH ( luteotrophic hormones ) so that be formed corpus of rubrum that will become corpus of luteum. Corpus of luteum yield progesterone which can influence growth of endometrium gland. If there is no fertilizationso corpus of luteum will experiencing of degeneracy and resulting degradationlevel of estrogen and progesterone. Degradation level of this hormone causedegeneracy, bleeding, and release of endometrium, and this process so-called menstruation. If there are fertilization at period of ovulation, so corpus ofluteum be defended. Problem at cycle menstruate can cause trouble of fertility, recurring abortus, or ferocity.

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