Senin, 16 April 2012

Artificial Sperm

UK scientists from stem cells research centers have been claimed successfully create human sperm. This comes from the sperm stem cell embrionic first in the world. This research has been conducted for more than 10 years do evolving nature sperm characteristic to help infertile men get a biologicalchild.

Joint research between scientists from the University of Newcastel,
England and the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute has been successful birth of amouse from sperm stem cell embrionic. This research have been published inscientific journals entitled "Stem Cells and Development."

Research developed in basic biological research is of course create a new breakthrough in the field of medicine.

But some other scientists are not sure with the results from this artificial sperm cells, in other words this research requires real evidence that sperm are able to function normally.

According to Allan Pacey, professor of Andrology University of Sheffield, UK said that sperm stem cells embironic not as spermatozoa. Artificial sperm does not have the size, shape and movement functions, such as native sperm.

Nayernia creator of artificial sperm explains that the research results arestill preliminary and need further research, and this sperm can’t fertilize egg cell.

The main reason for making this sperm is to find out the cause of infertile on men, finally this sperm can be used as an effective therapy to solve the problem infertile on men.

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