Kamis, 12 April 2012


Tonsillitis isinflammation of tonsil related with magnification of tonsil that be causedbacterium infection such as Streptococcus beta hemolyticus , Streptococcusviridans, Streptococcus pyogenes ( cause most often ), and sometimes virus Diptheri.

Infection of tonsillitis happened through droplet contactdirect with patient when conversing or use of equipments eat together.Infection indirectly happened through air media, patient spit run dry with airmedia will be breathed in by others around. There are two type of tonsillitisinclude follicular tonsillitis is tonsillitis that attack crypta, andparenchymatous tonsillitis is tonsillitis that attack entire of tonsil.

The symptom of tonsillitis include :
1. Acute.Sign early occur fever sometime can reach 40 degree celcius, accompanied tofeel itch, dry red lane, weak, pain in all bone, and passion eat is decrease.If bacterium infection disseminate until laring will cause throatiness. Atmouth cavity appear tonsil red and big, and pain when swallowing.

2. Chronic.Patient often feel there is barrier in red lane and exhalation of bad smell.Tonsil appear big and only just see gap among both, sometime if mouth openedwill not appear red lane wall because closed by magnification of tonsil.

Occurring of chronic tonsillitis be caused treatment at acute tonsillitisunperfectly, hygiene of mouth crummy, influence of weather, stimulate from foodand beverage too hot, cool, contain chemicals that irritation of respiratorytract, and can trigger happened recurring infection of tonsil.

If condition chronic tonsillitis do not immediately repaired will causecomplication such as otitis media, bronchitis, sinusitis, nephritis acute, tillmyocarditis.
Treatment at tonsillitis acute besides drug from doctor also require to begiven drug of gargle to take care hygiene of mouth. At tonsillitis chronic ifgiven drug do not show result hence require to be done radical therapy orsurgery to avoid occur complication.

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