Selasa, 17 April 2012


Eyes are organs that can receive light stimulation. Working system that is detecting light eyes to know the circumstances surrounding light or dark. Then the lightis transmitted to the brain to be processed in the brain nervous system.

Parts of the eye:
  • Outer
  • Eyelashes
  • Eyebrows
  • Eyelid

In section :

Part that serves to accept the stimulus light, located on the outer part of the eye ball.

Pupil and Iris
Pupils part can be widened if environmental conditions lackof light or dark and will narrow if the environmental conditions light.Sedangkan iris berfungsi sebagai diafragma dan memiliki warna. While irisdiaphragm and serves as a color.

Eye lens
Light coming from the pupils passed the eye lens and then transmitted to the retina. This section serves to set the focus so that light can fall directly in the retina. When viewing a distant object lenses will be thinner, and lenses will thicken when viewing close object.

RetinaPart of the light accepted and its existence is very sensitive.

Abnormalities of the Eye : 

Disorder that makes a person unable to see distant objects.

Abnormalities that can not see objects at close range

The eye can not see objects at a distance and at close range.

Eye disease caused lens closed by a sort membranes and can not see clearly.

Color blindness
Eye disorder which can not distinguish colors, colors that appear only in black, gray and white.

Eye disorder that makes a person can not see at all.

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