Kamis, 12 April 2012


Toxin isprotein or protein conjugation yielded by some high level plant, certainanimal, and bacterium pathogenic and very toxic for the life of organism. Termof toxic go together everything that have the character of poison and generateheavy poisoned symptom. 

Toxicology is science about toxin in general. Science abouttoxin that be yielded by animal and plant certain high level, and alsobacterium patogenic referred as a toxinology. Toxicity is word used to denoteexpress the quality of toxin specially degrees virulence microbe toxic.Toxicosis is every situation of pain that caused by poison. Toxophilic issensitive easy something that to toxin.

Type of toxin :

1. Endotoxin is toxin that stable to heat, there are at bacterium cell thatintact but there are not at free filtrate of cell from culture of intactbacterium. Endotoxin there are in cell wall as a complex of lipopolisacharida,have the character of pyrogenic and improve capillary permeability. Endotoxemiais the existence of endotoxin in blood which can generate shock.

2. Exotoxin is toxin strong formed and excretion bacterium cell, or free inaround culture media. Follow the example of exotoxin : Streptococcal PyrogenicExotoxin ( exotoxin that be yielded Streptococcus pyogenes, there are in a fewtype of antigenic and cause fever, damage of organ, increase permeability ofbrain blood barrier, and change of immune respond ), Botulinal toxin ( exotoxinthat be yielded Clostridium botulinum can causing paralysis by release ofacetylcholine at center nerve system ), Diphtheria toxin ( exotoxin of proteinthat be yielded Corynebacterium diphtheriae most off all accountable forpathogenesis of diphtheria infection ), Tetanus toxin ( exotoxin that beyielded Clostridium tetani ). Enterotoxin is exotoxin that be yieldedStaphylococcus specific at mucosa of intestinum. Enterotoxaemia is situationmarked with the existence of toxin in yielded blood in intestinum.

Toxicopexis is neutralize of toxin in body. Toxin-Antitoxin is mixture ofdiphtheria toxin that almost neutral and production of antitoxin for immunizeto infection of diphtheri. Toxoid is exotoxin that be modified or is notactivated so that lessen toxigenicity but maintaining of ability coalesce orstimulate forming of antitoxin. Diphtheria toxoid is preparat sterile of toxinCorynebacterium diphtheriae that be given formaldehyde, can be used as a agentimmunize active. Tetanus toxoid is preparat sterile of toxin Clostridium tetanithat be given formaldehid, can be used as a agent immunize active.

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