Senin, 30 April 2012


Ancylostomiasis is disease that attack small intestine of dog and cat caused by worm of Ancylostoma. Species of Ancylostoma include :

  1. Ancylostoma caninum have habitat at small intestine of dog, wolf, fox, and cat, rare at human.
  2. Ancylostoma tubaeformae have habitat at small intestine of cat.
  3. Ancylostoma braziliense have habitat at small intestine of dog, cat, and sometime at human.
  4. Ancylostoma duodenale have habitat at small intestine of human, also attack pig and carnivora.

Cycle life of Ancylostoma begin from egg of worm that exit with feces of host at condition of optimum that will hatching became larva, then after 1 week will became larva infective. Infection of Ancylostomiasis at host occur through mechanism as follow :

1. Oral infection.
Larva of infective come into body of host through food, then there are two mechanism pathogeneses of larva became mature worm at small intestine, include : 
  • Larva come into digestive tract with food, at stomach or small intestine will penetrate mucosa to stomach gland or crypta of lieberkuhn and come back to lumen became larva of stadium IV, and expanding became mature worm at small intestine.
  • Larva of infective in mouth will penetrate epithel of mouth and faring until in the blood vessel and limfe, then brought by stream of blood or limfe to cardiac and lung to alveoli and migration to bronchiole until trachea then became mature worm in small intestine.

2. Skin infection.
Larva of infective will penetrate intact skin come into through follicle of hair or pore of hair, to limfe and small vein then brought by stream of blood to cardiac, lung and penetrate capillary come into alveoli to bronchiole, trachea to faring until became mature worm in small intestine.

3. Prenatal infection.
At animal that pregnant, larva brought by stream of blood and will penetrate placenta come into fetus without occur growth until fetus born. Larva begin expanding in small intestine after pup or catty born, with period of prepaten 13 days.

4. Lactogenic infection.
Larva migration to mammae that be secreted with milk water and come into pup or catty. Larva can be found in milk water begin from colostrums until 21 days post partum.

Pathogeneses infection of ancylostomiasis depend on ferocity of disease, amount of larva infective that attacking host, resistance of host. Infection of ancylostomiasis at pup or catty appear real as a effect of supply ferrum at milk water be limited.

Sign of ancylostomiasis most important is anemia hidraemia that be related with loss of blood that be caused sucked worm. Diarrhea begin appear 4 days post infection when larva of stadium IV reach small intestine, and 8 days post infection appear diarrhea mixture with blood and mucus. Skin infection can cause occur lesion especial at feet skin can in the form of wet eczema until ulceration. At hard infection sometime appear abnormality of lung at 1 - 5 days post infection. Post mortem appear anemia, kakeksia, edema, ascites, liver appear browning, and intestine hemorrhage.

Diagnose of ancylostomiasis based on clinic sign and be found egg in feces of host. At prenatal infection that acute and lactogenic infection usually appear hard anemia before be found egg in feces of pup or catty.

Prevention can be given anthelmintik at host that experience infection, and to assist killing of larva in kennel can be given sodium borate.

Treatment of ancylostomiasis include : 
  1. Bephenium.
  2. Mebendazole.
  3. Thiabendazole.
  4. Fenbendazole.
  5. Tetramisole.
  6. Pyrantel pamoat.

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