XML ( Extensible Markup Language ) is as a generation of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language ) and often considered to be substitution of HTML ( Hypertext Markup Language ) because one generation. XML be created as a medium of interoperability between software from different platform.
History XML :- XML be created a group that be led by James Clark with member reach 11 people.
- Before be opened by W3C at 10 February 1998 have time to be proposed some name are namely MAGMA ( Minimal Architecture Generalized Markup Application ), SLIM ( Structured Language for Internet Markup ), and MGML ( Minimal Generalized Markup Language ).
- Have been done thrice minor repair at XML 1.0, so that yield XML 1.1 which nowadays have been done one times repair. On 16 August 2006 XML 1.0 fourth edition and XML 1.1 launched second edition, and both be assumed as a XML end version hitherto
With XML so that will conducive for consumer of software from different platform can experience of operability with interchange of information that be asked through format of XML. Format of XML be obtained by operating tool web service, is namely HTTP for reading file of XML and presenting its. But differ from HTML which must command web browser present its, XML mark information structurally so that another application only require extract and operate. XML also have tag like at HTML, but its tag can be made itself according to requirement, while tag of HTML have the character is standard. XML 1.0 be provided with DTD ( Document Type Definition ) which there is at file of header, so that able to read tag any kind that loading information and its hierarchy structure. While at XML 1.1 to close lacking of DTD have been attached XSD ( XML Scheme Definition ) with ability more reliable.
But XML measure up to hard to mistake of tag, application that be used will stop if found mistake at tag and advise that there is wrong with your file of XML. While at HTML web browser will remain to try to present if there is mistake at tag. That's difference of character of between HTML and XML though both be alighted from SGML.
But XML measure up to hard to mistake of tag, application that be used will stop if found mistake at tag and advise that there is wrong with your file of XML. While at HTML web browser will remain to try to present if there is mistake at tag. That's difference of character of between HTML and XML though both be alighted from SGML.
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