Senin, 30 April 2012


Coprophagy comes from the greek copro which means feces and phagy which means eat, coprophagy is eating feces.

Some dogs especially like feces from herbivores like rabbits, deer and horses, in kennel situations may eat feces because they are anxious or stressed. Dogs who eat their feces usually do not have a dietary deficiency. Dog may often eat feces if food is in short supply and they may eat feces to replenish their vitamin supply because feces fro herbivores ( animals that eat plant for food ) contain many ofB vitamins. 

Coprophagy may be a behavior learned, it may also become a habit in the course of play and puppies having to try out the taste of everything. The best way to prevent coprophagia is to keep yards and kennels free of feces. Dogs should be on a leash when walking, so you have control over the dog in case a luscious pile of feces is found a long the way. Sometimes, the only way to prevent coprophagy is to fit the dog with a wire muzzle. Adding toys and other diversions to the environment may be helpful. We need to find something that is more fun for the dog than eating feces. In situations in which the behavior may be linked to strees, the cause of strees should be eliminated or at least reduced.

The dogs diet enough B vitamins and not getting an excess of carbohydrates. Some dogs will improve if they are fed more often, so you may want to increase the number of meals. For dogs attracted to litter boxes, you may need to be quite creative. Using covered litter boxes and placing the opening toward a wall may help. Some people put the litter box up high. Others put the litter box in closet and secure the closet door so that the opening is big enough for the cat but will not allow the dog to enter. The risk of coprophagia for health is many parasites can be transmitted through eating stool because herbivores have parasites specific to them but these parasites will not cause disease in carnivores. Dogs eating the feces of other dogs or cat can infect themselves repeatedly with parasites such as coccidian and if the feces are around for 2 – 3 week or more, roundworms and whipworms. 

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