Senin, 30 April 2012


In dogs and cats, the brachycephalic breeds are very popular. Their features give them a unique appearance and add to their personality.

Brachycephalic means that the skull and in particular the face and nose are shortened. Some dog breeds that are brachycephalic include the English Bulldog, Boxer, Pekingese, Chinese Pug, Shar Pei, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, King Charles Spaniel, and Boston Terrier. In cats, some breeds that are brachycephalic include the Himalayan and Persian.

The brachycephalic head shape in these dog and cat breeds is may lead to problems with their airway, so that a dog or cat with brachycephalic syndrome is predisposed to a number of problems related to the narrowing of the airway.

These problems include :

Increased susceptibility to heat stroke
Dogs cool themselves through respiration. During inhalation the dog brings cool air into the lungs. During exhalation the dog removes heat from its body. This process of cooling the body is limited in animals with a narrow airway.
Dogs and cats with brachycephalic syndrome need to avoid situations where the temperature is excessively warm.

Inability to exercise
As dogs and cats exercise, their demand for oxygen increases. Their bodies call for oxygen and as a result their respiratory rate increases. It is very difficult to satisfy the demand for oxygen through a narrow airway so these animals will have a limited ability to exert themselves.

Increased anesthetic risk
Because of the narrowing of these animal's airways and the extra tissue in the pharynx, these animals are at greater risk of airway blockage while under anesthesia. Most anesthetic agents have a muscle relaxing property that may allow extra tissue to block their airway. These animals should be monitored very closely while under anesthesia.
The animals with brachycephalic syndrome can live a comfortable and full life, if corrected by surgical with care and the skills of a veterinary surgeon. 

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