Selasa, 17 April 2012


Epilepsy is not a disease caused by infection, but it is a chronic disorder of the brain due to disruption or previous infection that attacks the brain. The most simple and easily recognizable for epilepsy patient is sudden seizures with drooling from the mouth. This trouble appears as an attack and occur repeatedly due to the release of abnormal electric charge from brain cells are reversible with a variety of causes.

The symptoms of epilepsy that sudden arise can also sudden disappear.

Epilepsy is divided into two major groups, for example :

A. General epilepsy

1. Petit Mall
Disturbance of consciousness occurs suddenly. In this type of epilepsy will appear patient without reaction for a moment, then continued its initial activities after come back conscious.

2. Grand Mall
Characterizedby loss of consciousness, seizures, convulsions, drooling and often accompanied by snoring breath during the general epileptic attack.

3. Mioklorik Juvenil
Brief muscle contractions occur in one muscle group or several muscle groups, with the strength of the varied and that is not visible, then weakened to a strong up and occur a great jolt and can cause the patient fell or threw anything are held.

B. Partial epilepsy

1. Simple ( without disturbance of consciousness )
Usually occurs seizures, sometimes feel tingling or numbness in one place. This interruption lasted several minutes until a matter of hours.

2. Complex ( with disturbanceof consciousness )
Starting with simple partial trouble, people with epilepsy are felt to dream, memory disorder, hallucinations, thought empty, often followed by automatism, such as: repeated words, day dreaming or running without a purpose.

The occurrence of epilepsy can triggered by some causes, such as :
  • Trauma that can cause brain injury or brain hemorrhage.
  • Infection in the brain or the lining of the brain caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Febrile seizures often occur in children.
  • Brain tumor
  • Vascular disorders
  • Lead poisoning ( Pb ) or camphor
  • Hormone balance disorders
  • Degradation of the brain

Stimulus specific facilitate epilepsy attacks :

1. Sensory factors
The wink of light, the sound of surprise, the hot water.

2. Systemic factors
Fever, infections disease, drugs therapy influence, physical fatigue.

3. Mental factors
Stress, emotional disturbance.

The first aid when positioned close to the people who have epilepsy attack :
  • Avoid contact of heads or other body parts of hardware, sharp or hot.
  • Alleviating clothes, if possible tilt the head laterally to prevent airway occlusion.
  • Let the seizure took place, do not insert hard object between the teeth because it can lead to broken teeth.
  • Allow to rest after the seizure, because patients will be confused or sleepy after a seizure.
  • Report epilepsy attack to patient family ( important for the provision of treatment from a doctor ).
  • When repeat attacks occur in a short time or experienced serious injury, immediately to the hospital.
  • Epilepsy can be treated so that attacks can be reduced and even eliminated return to normal life.

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