Dehydration is deficit
of body fluids and is often accompanied by loss of electrolytes and change
balance of basa acid in the body.
Loss of fluid that
excessive will be occur because of polyuria, vomit, diarrhea, hyperhidrosis,
haemorhage, dysphasia, disease and other causes related to a reduction in fluid
Clinical signs of dehydration include :
- The decrease and loss of elasticity of the skin ( turgor).
- Mucous membranes that dry.
- Capillary refill time that be prolonged with the normal time <1.5>
- Weakness and depression.
- Cardiovasculer collapse.
- There are the increase in PCV, plasma protein, urinespecific gravity > 1.035.
- Levels of dehydration based on clinical signs that appearare :
- Level of dehydration <5%>
- Level of dehydration 5% ( mild ). The decrease of skin turgor, mucous membranes is dry.
- Level of dehydration 7 - 8% ( moderate ). Skin turgor is bad, capillary refill time 2 to 3 second, enopthalmus mild, the decrease oftemperature .
- Level of dehydration from 10 to 12% ( heavy ). Skin turgoris very bad, capillary refill time > 3 second, enopthalmus weight, debilitas, body temperature was decreased, pulsus weak.
- Level of dehydration from 12 to 15% ( very heavy ).
- Shock and death.
Correction of
electrolyte imbalance and basa acid of body fluids can be done based on the
following :
A. Evaluation on status
of dehydration, balance of electrolyte and basa acid of body fluids.
Some important things
that can be used as consideration for deciding whether or not be given fluid therapy,
among others :
1. Depend on clinical
signs and anamnesa.
2. Status balance of
basa acid can be estimated on the basis of clinical symptoms that appear such :
- Diarrhe acute is condition of acidosis metabolic.
- The decrease of frequency respiratory is alkalo sismetabolic.
- Determination of status basa acid is very important to avoidoccur mistake when giving the type of fluid, example if the condition ofacidosis so that be given fluid is alkalinizer.
3. Status of plasma
electrolytes, especially sodium ions, potassium ions andion Chlor.
The weakness of the
extreme body condition is amanifestation of levels of potassium ions and
calcium ions that low.
If there is
hyperkalemia be given liquid that free potassiumions.
4. Degrees of
Depend on clinical
Overview of blood (
PCV, BUN, plasma protein concentration ) are changes that occur in relatively
short intervals and showed a change from level of dehydration.
5. Osmotic
pressure.Isotonisitas fluids is very important to guarantee the normal
Liquid distribution is can be affected by osmotic pressure on the
extra cellular fluid, so that can be measured osmotic pressure on the
extra cellular fluid by measuring the directly using osmometer or measured
osmotic pressure of sodiumions. Hypoosmolaritas ( on condition of hyponatremia
) can cause the entry of water from extracellular to intracellular that be known
as edema. Hyperosmolaritas ( on the condition of hypernatremia, hyperglycemia ) cause
the exit of water from intracellular to extracellular.
6. Balance of basa
acid.Process of normal metabolic depends on the stability pH of blood ( 7.4 ),
ifthere is variation pH of blood is greater or smaller 0.3 (
Acidosis respiratory.
Disease that be accompanied hypoventilasi can causes disruption ekshalasi CO2 (
increases pCO2 ) will result in the increase levels of H + and the decrease
levels of HCO3- ( causingthe decrease pH of blood ). To compensate so that
HCO3-absorption can be increased. The cause is anesthesia, pneumonia terminus.
Alkalosis respiratory.
Ekshalasi excessive CO2 (hyperventilasi ) will cause the loss of ions H + and
levels of HCO3 increased. To compensate so that excretion of HCO3-in the kidney
can be increased ( occurthe increase pH of blood ). The cause is heat stroke,
panting, hepaticencephalopathy.
Acidosis metabolic.
Acidosis metabolic occurs due to the decrease levels of HCO3- in plasma caused
by bonds of HCO3- with organic acids,loss of HCO3- excessive ( diarrhea,
hypersalivasi ) and the inability of renalto reabsorbsi. Compensation that
often occur is hyperventilasi so that HCO3-increase. The cause is diarrhea,
shock, renal failure, uremia, diabetesmellitus, diabetic ketoacidosis.
Alkalosis metabolic.
Alkalosis metabolic occurred because ofthe increase levels of HCO3- in plasma
so that occur the increase pH of blood .Compensation that occur is
hypoventilasi to maintain CO2 and the increase pH.Excretion of HCO3- through
renal as a substitute for filtration of Cl-. Thecause is vomiting, hepatic
failure, acute pancreatitis.
B. Requirement of body
Planning for therapy of fluid that will be doneshould be consider some
important things are :
- Correction of fluid deficit that occurred.
- The amount of fluid that be required as a fluid of maintenance/day.
- Fulfillment loss of fluid that be estimated is still continue. Deficit of fluid is determined at the time before therapy withconsideration of the degree anamnesa, physical examination and tests oflaboratory. The amount from fluid of maintenance is determined when the patientis not able to consume the necessary fluid of daily in lieu of the spent fluid.
C. Types of fluids that
be given.
Determination of fluid that be given depending on the abnormalities
that occur. Generally, is otonicfluids is often given good as a acidifier or
Types of fluid is often
recommended as a therapy of fluid is:
- Dextrose 2,5 %. Hypotonic fluids be used in the conditiondehydrasi hypernatremia.
- Dextrose 5 %. 2. Isotonic fluids are used in conditionsdehydrasi hypernatremia.
- Dextrose 10%. Hypertonic fluids be used in the condition ofosmotic diuretics, hypoglycemia. 4. Dextrose 20%. Hypertonic fluids be used inthe condition of osmotic diuretics, hypoglycemia. 5. Lactated Ringer's. Isotonicfluid acts as alkalinizer.
- Ringer's. Isotonic fluid acts as acidifier.
- Saline 0,45 %. Hypotonic fluids be used in the condition dehydrasi hypernatremia.
- Saline 0,9 %. Isotonic fluids are used in conditionsdehydrasi hyponatremia.
- Sodium bicarbonat ( NaHCO3 ) 8,4 %. Hypertonic fluids are used as correction of acidosis metabolic heavy.
- Potassium chloride ( KCl ) 15 %. Hypertonic fluid is used as a correction of potassium deficiency. Calcium gluconate. Hypertonic fluid isused as correction hypocalcaemia.
D. The way of give
therapy of fluid.
The way of give therapy of fluid depends on several factors
including the distribution velocity therapy of fluid in the body, the ability
done restrain the patient and the type of disease that be encountered. The way
of give therapy of fluid can be done is :
Per oral. Give therapy
of fluid per oral is a safe way, process in normal physiological and not need
equipment help that expensive. In the case of diseases related to digestion
disorders and severe hypovolemia isunuseful way.
Sub cutan. Therapy of
fluid that be given only isotonic fluids and nonirritant with the amount of
fluid very small. Absorption anddistribution of the slow progress that is 6 to
8 hours after delivery, so beused if the correction fluid is not expected quickly.
Intravena. Benefits
give therapy of fluid by intravenous is a lot of volume of fluid that can be
given. Giving fluid quantities that uncontrolled will be cause overhydratasi is
marked by restlessness, hyperpnoea, serous nasal discharge, edema conjuctiva.
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