If occur death of fetus
in the uterus there are four possibilities are :
1. Fetus experienced
Abortion is birth with foetus in a state of death or no have energy
for live in outside of mains body. Abortion may occur at variety of ages
pregnancy from 42days until the end of pregnancy. Abortion may occur if the
death of the fetusin the uterus is accompanied by contraction of the uterine
wall as a result of cooperation estrogen, oxytocin, and prostaglandins when
death of the fetus, there fore fetus that died pushed out of the genital tract.
The cause of abortion
in general may be divided into three groups:
a. Abortion caused by
non-infection.Abortion in cattle can be caused by :
- Poisoning of drugs and chemicals like nitrates, naphalen,arsenic, weeds and pine leaves.
- Factors of hormonal such as estrogen with high dose, hydrocortisone, prostaglandin and shortage of progesterone in the blood .
- Factors such as lack of feed, hunger, deficiency of vitaminA and iodine.
- Factors of genetic such as abnormalities of chromosomal.
- Factors of physical such as irrigation of the uterine tractwith antiseptic ingredients, artificial insemination in mains cattle whopregnant, exhausted from the long transport, temperature of heat and surgicalprocedures are not perfect.
- Other causes such as pregnant twins, allergies andanaphylaxis.
Abortion in horses can
be caused by :
- Factors of hormonal such as estrogen or hydrocortisone high doses.
- Factors such as lack of feed energy in feed rations.
- Factors of genetic such abnormalities chromosomal and anomalies fetal.
- Factors of physical such as the opening of the cervix channel manually, nature of mating at the time of pregnancy, rectal palpation that long and rough, and the twin fetus.
Abortion in pigs can be
caused by :
- Poisoning of drugs and chemicals such as dekumarol, aflatoxin, creosote and pentachlorophenol.
- Factors of hormonal such as estrogen or hydrocortisone highdoses.
- Factors of feed such as deficiency of iron, vitamin A andcalcium.
- Factors of genetic and abnormalities chromosomal and lethalgene.
- Factors of physical such as fatigue due to transportation, the fight between the parent who pregnant.
b. Abortion caused by
- Microorganisms that can be causes infection at the genitals and as a causes ofabortion :
- The group of bacteria : Brucella abortion, Vibrio fetus, Leptospira Pomona, monositogenesis Listeria, Salmonella abortika, genital Streptococcus, Corynebacterium pyogenes and Ureplasma diversum.
- The group of virus : Blue Tongue, Bovine Viral Diarrhea, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Infectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis, Epizootic Bovine Abortion.
- The group of protozoa : Trichomonas fetus.
- The group of fungi : Aspergillus fumigatus, Absidia ramose,Mukor and Rhizopus.
- Microorganisms as a cause of abortion in animal species are:
- The horse : Salmonella abortion, Enfluenza viruses, E. coli,Sthapyloccus, Streptoccus, Corinebacterium piogenes and Pseudomonas aeroginosa.
- The cow : Brusellosis, Vibriosis, viral diarrhea, Listeriosis,Trichomoniasis, Pamona Leptospira, Toxoplasma, Corinebacterium piogenes, andPseudomonas aeroginosa.
- The pig : Brusellosis, Toxoplasma.
- The sheep : Toxoplasma, Vibriosis, Brusellosis,Salmonellosis.
- The goat : Streptoccus, Salmonella abortion, Corinebacteriumpiogenes.
c. Abortion
Abortion provocatus is the birth of the fetus is carried out through
artificial before pregnancy time expired and the fetus does not have the ability
to liveoutside the mains cattle body. Abortion provocatus aims to maintain the
safety of the mains animals.
How to perform Abortion
provocatus :
- Flushing the uterus with using various of liquid such as 1 -2% lugol solution, potassium permanganate, chlorine solution, acidic vinegarthat be inserted into the uterus using a catheter or pipette through the cervixis opened.
- Solving the corpus luteum of the ovary graviditatum will befollowed by abortion.
- Injection of estrogen can be followed by abortion.
2. Fetus became shape
of mummification.
Mummification in fetus is death of fetus in the uterus without
contamination of microorganisms and fluid of fetus will be absorbed by the wall
of the uterus after occur the process of autolisis so that the body of the fetus
become dry and hard like wood. Mummification in fetus is a mass that consist of
red bloodcells, dirt clot with color of red dish or brown which is sticky, there
are brown color in the fetus and fetal membranes that experiencing mummified.
Fetus that experiencing mummified usually not smell and dark color.
Mummification infetus on cattle is hematik with means when carancula experience
involution,occur bleeding between the endometrium and fetal membranes is
accompanied by absorption of blood plasma. Include mummification of hematik is death
of fetuscaused by the lethal gene that recessive, the torsio uteri, the birth
of twins. Requirements for occur mummification of fetus is fetus was dead, no
air from outside entering the uterus containing the fetus, there are no
microorganisms in the uterus and not enough stimulation for occur of uterine
contractions. Symptoms that appear when death of fetus until mummification
include there is failure of heat with corpus luteum persistent, the decrease of
appetite,defecation accompanied by miksi, sometimes there is a great abdominal
pain (colic ).
Treatment in case of
mummification in fetus :
- The mains polipara such dogs and pigs, mummification infetus will come out along with the partus of normal.
- The mains monopara issued mummification in fetus with Intramuscular injection of stilbestrol.
- The removal of the corpus luteum manual that will be accompanied by uterine contractions.
- Given preparat of oxytocin.
3. Fetus became shape
of maceration.
Maceration of fetus is
death of fetus in the uterus and occur change became the mass like mush, fetal
bone floating above mass it. Requirements for occur maceration of fetus is fetus
was dead followed by the air entering into theuterus through the vulva, vagina
and cervix, there are microorganisms that infect the fetus is accompanied by the
occurrence of endometritis. Liquid pusmay come out of the genitals gradually
especially when the animal was lying. Symptoms that appear in the parents of
animal who experienced maceration offetus is the parent always miksi, oozing liquid
of pus that bad smell and reddish gray through the vulva. In acute conditions
occur the increase of body temperature, the increase of pulse rate, anorexia,
the decrease of milkproduction and sometimes there are diarrhea. In chronic
conditions there is noincrease in body temperature, anorexia, oozing liquid of
mukopurulent fromgenitals. On rectal palpation to feel there are the bones of
the fetus in theuterus, fluid retention, wall of the uterus thick, cervix
dilated and hard,there are change degenerative in endometrial and blood vessels
the uterus toshrink. Treatment of the parent animal who experienced fetal
maceration neededlong time and expensive, so it is recommended to do the
4. Fetus became shape
of emphysematous.Emphysematous of fetus is fetus was dead fetus in the uterus
is not with abortion, but experiencing decay is accompanied by the formation of
gas that bad smell, so the whole fetus becomes emphysematous. Gas accumulated
under the skin( subcutaneous ), in the intramuscular or in the body cavity.
Volume of the fetus becomes larger because the gas that be accumulated beneath
the skin and body cavities, it can cause the wall of the uterus became stretch
and ruptureof fetal membrane. Symptoms that appear on the parent animal who
experienced emphysematous of fetus is sign of colic, the decrease of appetite,
anxiety and miksi, breathand pulse is rapid, toksaemia and sepsis, the increase
of body temperature. On rectal exploration is sound crypitation in the uterus
because of there are accumulation of air, vaginal mucosa dry and sticky. The
best effort is to helpthe fetus must be removed immediately after the skin had
been slashed or fetal abdominal area so the gas can out of fetus body. After the
fetus out can be done by removing membranes of fetus and can be done irrigation
with lugolsolution of 1% in the uterine cavity. Antibiotics or sulfate can be
given tomaintain the possibility of inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
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