Kamis, 12 April 2012

Tea for Health

Generally, tea there are two type are china tea ( Cameliasinensis ) coming from Chinaand acid tea ( Camelia assamica ) coming from Srilanka.

Tea according to ferment process be divided becomes threeare :

1. Green tea.
Green tea be generated without ferment process and have taste bitter.

2. Black tea.
Black tea be generated with perfect ferment process and have taste ratherbitter.

3. Oolong tea.
Oolong tea be generated with imperfect ferment process ( semi ferment ),golden rust colored and have taste sweet.

Ferment process cause compound of polyphenol at tea will experience ofoxidation so that level of polyphenol will decrease, therefore level ofpolyphenol highest at green tea and lowest at black tea. Compound polyphenol attea function to assist activity of enzyme superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) doingdefense of free radical. Tea also contain alkaloid like caffeine thatfunctioning as a diuretic. Important mineral at tea is phosphorus for thehealth of tooth. Consumption of green tea, black tea, or oolong tea usefulprevent of diabetes with mechanism improve insulin activity in body, thismatter be caused tea contain active component so-called epigallocatechingallate. Contain tannin at tea useful to lessen swelling and assuage eye fatigue.

To look after health be recommended consume tea and in serving tea can be mixedwith milk because addition of milk can lessen side effects some element in tea,this matter go together tendency one who consume tea without milk have level ofoxalate higher. Conglomeration of oxalat in part people can cause renaldisease, therefore the risk can be lessened with milk mixture at tea becausecalcium at milk will becomes one with oxalate and finally oxalate exit withurine. To obtain benefit of tea optimally better don't pour boiling water intotea too long time because if progressively soaked hence caffeine in tea willprogressively experiencing of extraction so that happened oxidation. If we wantto get more condensed tea be done with addition portion of tea leaf non withprolong infusion time.

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