Seasick, airsick or drunk of vehicle is a
disorderassociated with sensitivity of movement. The cause of this condition
sinceacceptance the nerve of sensory are imperfect, and involve the eyes and
innerear cavity or vestibular system ( associated with balance ) that send
commandsconflicting to the brain. Acceptance the nerve of sensory that not
perfectly,happens when recorded by the vestibular system does not same with
which seen byeye.
Someone may have drunk if the balance instrument in
thelabyrinth annoyed after sensing kind of movement, such as up and down,
winding,small collision, especially in the vehicle was walking usually begins
to feelnauseous. Generally someone who has the innate of drunk, in his digestive
tractis less good because of stricture or thick occurs in the pylorus muscle.
Whenthe baby if before 24 hours had experienced vomit have innate of drunk
untiladult. Drunkenness also because of psychological factors, especially in
peoplewho labile psyche. Drunkenness also caused changes in weather from hot to
Drugs for seasick, airsick or drunk of vehicle most
commonlyused antihistamine and dimenhydrinate, with anticholinergic effects and
centralnervous system depression that causes drowsiness and reduce the power
ofcoordination, so that balance instruments a person that is not disturbed
andwould not be drunk. This drug should be taken 1-2 hours prior to travel
andoften closed his eyes or sleep to avoid getting drunk.
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