Kamis, 12 April 2012


Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by a microorganism that has the ability to inhibit thegrowth or kill other microorganisms with the aim of treatment of infectiousdiseases.

Antibiotics based on the character of activity to the bacteria are divided intotwo groups :

1. Bakteriosida.
The character to kill bacteria, including penicillin derivate.

2. Bacteriostatic.
The character to inhibit bacteria, including derivate cloramphenicol,erythromycin, and sulfonamida.

Rules use of antibiotic should not promiscuously to obtain theresults that maximal for healing of certain diseases. 

There are few rulesrelating to the use of antibiotics, as follows :
  • Antibiotics must be taken intervals that reguler and fixed, for get levels of drugs in blood more stable around the optimal levels to achieve therapeutic effect.
  • Antibiotics or drugs that contain elements of antibiotics should be taken at the time of an empty stomach, the fastest on half hour before eating or 2 hours after meals. It is intended that the drug can be digested and is expected to obtain optimal levels in the blood for therapy.
  • Antibiotics, especially derivate of tetracycline should not be taken with milk or ulcer drug, because in both there is the element of metal that be related to antibiotics, so that complicate the process of digestion and absorption.

Patients with disorder of liver and kidney should be more careful in the use of antibiotics, because antibiotics generally digested in liver and excreted through the kidneys, so can aggravate function of liver and kidney that began to decline. Disturbance two organs function will lead to accumulation and increased levels of antibiotics in blood, thus further increasing the risk of side effects are not expected.
In certain cases eg thypoid fever, antibiotics should be taken on until a few days after these symptoms disappear, with the aim for inhibit occur carier ( bacteria still live in the body without causing clinical symptoms ) which can trigger a relapse or disease transmission.
Combinations among antibiotics bakteriosida or bacteriostatic are clinically not harmful, but not necessarily profitable than using single dose. The use a combination of bacteriostatic antibiotics sometimes can be harmful, for example: a combination of tetracycline and derivate of penicillin, tetracycline which inhibits growth of bacteria can reduce the use of penicillin which active against bacteria that are growing rapidly.

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