Kamis, 12 April 2012


Some people very often complain backbone do not againstraight, body appear stoop and weak, difficult of walking, especially at oldage because the decrease of bone density so that to prevent occur these matterbe recommended doing exercise of pilates for the reinforcement of bone.

Pilates aim to strengthen of body with exercise focusinclude area of stomach muscle, waist muscle, and chest muscle so that bodywill remain hefty. Pilates can be done at indoor area and also outdoor oncondition that place exercise of body have to be parallel and flat so thatexercise of pilates perfectly, if surging place can trigger to injure muscle.

Pilates should be done by routine thrice within week during 20 - 30 minuteevery exercise, pilates can be done without appliance but for the variation canuse of fitness circle, toning ball and flexi band.

Exercise of pilates for the backbone, as follows :

1. AB Prep.
Liing down supine, knee be bended, putting foot at matras parallel with flank.Diametrical arm beside body, palm under. lift head, buckling body tabletop till45 degree. Hold up a moment, return to position early. Doing five until tentimes again.

2. Spine twist.
Position sit diametrical and foot straight with matras. Diametrical armaside body with palm downwards. Twist body upper till maximal to left,discharging is slowly. Repeat for the direction of on the contrary. Doing thesemovement three till five times.

3. Cat stretch.
Position kneel like cat above both of hand and knee. Position of handparallel with shoulder and knee parallel with thigh jetty. Lift body onposition of arch to up, holding up, take care conection of stomach muscle andbreathe length. Return to position early and repeat three until five times.

4. Breast stroke preps.
Liing down with chest to down ward, neutral position, elbow be bendedbeside shoulder, foot on position of diametrical. Lift body until undercarriagerib, holding up, degrading slowly. Doing three until five times.

5. Single leg stretch.
Lying supine, lift upper body, foot be bended 90 degree, both arm hold footexterior. Straightening one foot up at diagonal. Exterior hand be straightenedat foot that be bended. Return to position early and repeat at other foot.Doing eight till ten times.

6. Half roll back.
Sit, knee bended, foot closed. Upper body with position of arch to passknee and diametrical arm stick out forwards, the head to bow. Push body behind,diametrical hand beside knee, hold up stomach, take care of foot remain flat atmatras. Return to position early and repeat five till eight times.

7. Swan dive preps.
Liing down at stomach, open diametrical foot as wide as shoulder and twistof body. Elbow be bended, wrist around shoulder face downwards. Lift body untilupraised pelvis from matras. Hold up, degrading slowly. Doing five till eighttimes.

If there are sigh of pain in the neck or the back better do consultancy withinstructor of pilates to look for exercise alternative which relative morepeaceful because some exercise of pilates can affect of neck and the back, sothat felt concerned about happened to injure.

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