Kamis, 12 April 2012


Pseudomenstruasi inmedical terms is the menstrual cycle that unapparent occurs only one time whenthe baby with sex of female born and not will be repeated in the next period.

Pseudomenstruasi on the baby newborn characterized by athick white fluid from the genitals accompanied by fresh of blood such asduring menstruation at puberty period.

Pseudomenstruasi related to the influencefrom hormones of maternal that given to babies since the period of pregnancythrough the umbilical cord connecting between the mother and child emotionallyand nutritional.

When the baby is born the umbilical cord is cut will be affect on hormones ofmaternal gradually decreased so that appeared the symptoms whitish withsecretion of blood that fresh such menstruation. 

Pseudomenstruasi not occur inall babies of women because depending on the number of transferred hormones ofmaternal to the baby during the pregnancy period.

Process of pseudomenstruasi will be desisted by itself during less than sevendays even without any medical action. During occur pseudomenstruasi should notgive the powder on the surface of the genitals to reduce irritation with theaim that the baby did not experience itchy because powder can agglomerate onthe surface moist and when mixed with white mucus accompanied blood of freshthat come out of the baby's genitals so that it can trigger an infection by afungal or bacterial. If the condition pseudomenstruasi in infant lasted morethan seven-day period are advised to immediately consult a doctor to make surethere is / no abnormalities associated with function from system of hormonal,especially when accompanied by a decrease in infant metabolism.

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