Kamis, 12 April 2012


Prior to having a hysterectomy, A woman must have :
  • Pelvic examination
  • Pap smear
  • Diagnosis to abnormal uterine

Test and a diagnosis prior to proceeding with a hysterectomy:
  • In case pelvic pain, women usually undergo more limited (less extensive ) exploratory surgery procedures ( such as laparoscopy ) to ruleout other causes of pain.
  • In case abnormal uterine bleeding, women require some typeof sampling of the lining of the uterus ( biopsy of the endometrium ) to ruleout cancer or pre–cancer of the uterus. This procedure is called endometrialsampling.
  • Pelvic ultrasounds or pelvic computerized tomography ( CT )tests can be done to make a firm diagnosis in a woman with pelvic pain orbleeding.
  • In a woman with pelvic pain or bleeding, a trial ofmedication treatment is often given before a hysterectomy is considered.

Treatment prior to proceeding with a hysterectomy :
  • A premenopausal woman ( still having regular menstrual periods )
  • Uterine fibroids are causing bleeding but no pain is generally first offeredmedical therapy with hormones.
  • Non–hormonal treatments are also available, such as tranexamic acid and moremoderate surgical procedures, such as ablations ( removal of the lining of theuterus ).
  • If she still has significant bleeding that causes major impairment to her dailylife, or the bleeding continues to cause anemia (low red blood cell count dueto blood loss), and she has no abnormality on endometrial sampling, she may beconsidered for a hysterectomy.
  • If she still has significant bleeding that causes major impairment to her dailylife, or the bleeding continues to cause anemia (low red blood cell count dueto blood loss), and she has no abnormality on endometrial sampling, she may beconsidered for a hysterectomy.

A postmenopausal woman ( whose menstrual periods have ceased permanently)
If woman has no abnormalities in the samples of her uterus ( endometrialsampling ) and still has persistent abnormal bleeding after trying hormonetherapy, may be considered for a hysterectomy. Several dose adjustments ordifferent types of hormones may be required to decide on the optimal medicaltreatment for an individual woman.

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