Selasa, 17 April 2012

Biology Classification

Carolus Linnaeus in 1753 make the classification system based on the similarity in body outside structure (morphology) and the sexual reproduction structure. Nomen clature of Linnaeus are known as binomial system.

In this system there are two names, first name indicates the genus name and species name of the show is written with small letters.

In general scientists acknowledge and recognize the five kingdom, including :

Kingdom Monera
Consisting of who do not have Prokariotik Membrane and core organel cells such as motokondria, reticulum endoplasma, kloroplas and Golgi bodies.

Kingdom Protista
Members include all eukariotik, as most uniseluler living creatures that arenot classified as plants, animals or fungi.

Kingdom Fungi
Members include all eukariotik (uniseluler and multiseluler) living creatures which absorted food from the substrate or the environment because they are notable to make their own food. For example: mold, kapang, fungi and yeast.

Kingdom Plantae
Members include eukariotik multiseluler. Klorofil have so that they can make their own food.

Kingdom Animalia
Members include eukariotik mutiseluler including humans.

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