Aspiration pneumonitis.
Aspiration pneumonitis occurs when you inhale ( aspirate )
foreign matter intoyour lungs.
Stomach contents, such as ingested food or liquid, are
afrequent cause of aspiration pneumonitis. Accidental inhalation of small
foodparticles, such as tiny pieces of peanuts or vegetables, while swallowing
iscommon in young children.
Chemical pneumonitis
Chemical pneumonitis is a type of
aspiration pneumonitis that develops when youinhale chemicals that are toxic to
your lungs. Industrial and householdchemicals, such as chlorine gas, ammonia,
solvents and pesticides can all causechemical pneumonitis.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
This type of pneumonitis is nicknamed
"farmer's lung," "mushroompicker's disease" and other colorful
names with good reason. Dust fromanimal dander, molds and plants, all potential
allergens, can provoke aninflammatory reaction in your lungs.
Symptoms usually develop within six hours of exposure to the allergen. Somepeople are more susceptible to developing hypersensitivity pneumonitis than areothers, although it's not certain why.
Radiation pneumonitis.
Symptoms usually develop within six hours of exposure to the allergen. Somepeople are more susceptible to developing hypersensitivity pneumonitis than areothers, although it's not certain why.
Radiation pneumonitis.
A few people who undergo radiation therapy for lung
cancer, breast cancer,leukemia or lymphoma develop this type of pneumonitis.
Taking some types ofchemotherapy drugs ( doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide,
bleomycin ) duringradiation treatment may increase your risk of developing
Drug-induced pneumonitis.A variety of drugs used to treat other conditions can cause pneumonitis, theseinclude :
Chemotherapy drugs :
Drug-induced pneumonitis.A variety of drugs used to treat other conditions can cause pneumonitis, theseinclude :
Chemotherapy drugs :
- Bleomycin
- Methotrexate
- Carmustine
- Busulfan
- Cyclophosphamide
Antibiotics :
- Nitrofurantoin
- Amphotericin B
- Minocycline
- Sulfonamides :
- Sulfasalazine
- Sulfadiazine
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs )
- The heart medication amiodarone
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