Kamis, 12 April 2012


Every person have the way to overcome stres that caused bylife problems.
One of the way to reduce stress with therapy laugh which canbe done before sleep and after awaking morning, most easily by watching film ofcomedy or a smile as wide as may be detained up to 5 to 10 times counts andrepeat ten times as you wish.
 Focus on the manipulation of face muscles that have idiosyncrasy can expressemotions is important for doing, so that not create the impression sad, tenseand sullen are typical of stress condition. There are some parts of the facemuscles that becoming focus on manipulate is near the nose, neck, chin, eyelidsand forehead.

Benefits movement that focused on the parts of body are :
  • Improve circulation of blood
  • Improving fitness of body
  • Reduce tension or stress
  • Tightening face muscle
  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Make a youthful looking face

Facial muscle manipulation methods include :

1. Calm down with inhaled and exhaled of breath. Perform 3 to 6 times or untilyou feel calm.

2. The aims of relaxation on face to reduce tension in the face, throat,increasing the circulation of blood and the stimulation of the eye, as follows:
In the temples use the middle finger and the index finger tomassage forehead with a circular motion clockwise and vice versa. Movement thatanother, holding eyebrows gently with thumb and forefinger which started fromthe middle, then slid down the brow to the temples.
On the forehead using the three middle fingers with thefinger movement from eyebrows to the head. Repeat movement during five counteda lot of ten times.
Movement opened mouth that as wide as possible, feeling thesensation pull on muscle of the cheeks, nose, and lips. Alternatively, movementof the tongue sticking out and open eye and glanced upward.

3. Face gym.
Laughter is one of movement on face gymnastic. Lift thecheek with a smile movement, then followed by an emphasis the three middlefingers on downward cheek, opposite with movement of smile. Pressure on thecheek role as a burden that can make a strong cheek muscles and back elastic.
Sitting upright in chair, lifted his head to see the skyroom. Then make lips pouted for ten count, after doing more relaxing to a countof ten times.
If you want to get the esthetics effect besides to cope withstress better therapy laughter and manipulation of face muscles do every day,at least three times a week.

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