Kamis, 12 April 2012


Stress is the sum of biological reactions to any stimuli thatpositive and negative impacts on the physical, mental or emotional. In the braint here are chemical substancesthat play a role in the mechanism of stress, such as adrenaline, cortisol andfree radicals. The three of these substances produced by the body because ofthe stimulation from outside the human body. When the external stressor, sonkidney gland release adrenaline, certain parts of the brain release cortisol and free radicalsproduced by the oxidation process.

Withthe existence this process cause the heart beats faster because affected ofadrenaline and cholesterol levels increased ( because increased production ofcortical ).

Whilefree radicals to destroy the cytokinin which responsible on immune system, asthis stress can trigger such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, even at thelevel of acute stress can cause death from psychogenic shock.

Sicking stress behavior is the behavior of people who experience stress, suchas like screaming - yelling, crying with a loud or driving at high speed.

Stress category was divided into two :

1. Eustres
Stress the positive impact, such as perceived stress was too late to come to animportant event, this stress can develop an attitude about discipline andalert.

2. Distress
Negative impact of stress and can lead to disease.

Signs early of stress are often associated with disturbance in a particularbody, eg :
  • Head : Experiencing the pain as migrants.
  • Stomach : gastritis symptoms arose because of increase the acid stomach.
  • Heart : Experiencing increase heart rate ( palpitations ) that can affect blood pressure.
  • Lung : shortness of breath occurred as asthma.

Keymanagement of stress is to increase the production of chemicals such asendorphins, serotonin and melatonin levels are decreased during stress. Thethree of these substances play a role to eliminate the three substancesstressors. This mechanism is known as the relaxation process.

Stress management as follows :

A. Educational stress management with meditation.

There are two types of meditation :
1. Gamma Meditation
Aiming to generate good spot on the brain.

2. Medical meditation
Aims to enable the alpha wave in the brain.

B. Pharmacologic stress management with medicine.
Stress can be managed with drug of antidepresant, it aims to reduce levels ofbad chemistry as stress cause in body.

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