Scientifically, detoxification is therapy for
lessening effect of toxin at asubstance or certain drug, we also known term
metabolic detoxification as aeffort for lessening toxicity at a substance with
chemical change throughinduction of body that produce compound with less effect
of toxin, or easier bereleased from body.
Benefit detoxification include prevent attack of
disease,taking a rest body, delaying process of aging, cleaning internal organ,
preventof acne, increasing body flexibility and fertility. Detoxification take
placeat liver and be reached optimally when sleep.
This matter be related with quality of sleep good
able triggering production ofamino acid as a one of antioxidant with function
for neutralizing of toxin andagainst of free radical as a cause of cancer.
Process detoxification occur inthe body begin at 21.00 together with production
of growth hormone, and at23.00 until 01.00 process detoxification take place in
the liver through phase includeneutralizing of toxin by liver, and altering
character of toxin becomes waterdissolve so that can be released by urine or
sweat. Process detoxification alsotake place at bile and large intestine,
therefore at morning when defecate isas a product of intestine metabolism.
Sleep at nighttime better without chamber lamp, this
matter go togethermelatonin hormone that can be produced optimally in a state
of dark becauselight able inhibit production of melatonin hormone. Body alone
newly ableproduce melatonin hormone begin at 21.00 till 08.00 , though one of
benefitthis hormone is for prevent attack of bosom cancer and prostate cancer,
alsomake body more healthy. Research explain about light at nighttime can triggerabundant
expression from cells that be related with forming of cancer cell, andblue ray
from electronic object can rouse nerve so that make sleepuncomfortable and woke
up sudden.
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