Kamis, 12 April 2012


Rheumatic disorders arecharacterized by inflammation, degenarasi or disorder metabolic of tissuestructures, such as bones, joints, muscles and other tissues around the joints,and accompanied by pain, stiffness or limitation of motion.

The painoften comes suddenly which caused by process of uric acid disorder. Stiffnessoccurs at the beginning of motion, such as when getting out of bed or aftersitting for a while. This process is typical in the joints that beginexperiencing degeneration of cartilage in joints. If there are symptoms ofnumbness certain areas in the skin, caused by the nerve have been attacked.

Ifthere is inflammation in the joints with manifestations of red, heat, and painis caused by bacteria, processes of autoimmune in the body, excessive use ofjoints is called arthritis reumatic.

Rheumatic based on the location of the pathology process is divided into twogroups :

A. Artikuler extra rheumatic.
Occuring in outside the joints and is found in 50% of patients with arthritis,
including :

1. Fibromyalgia or chronic fatique syndrome.
One cause symptoms of fibromyalgia is the lack of sleep canlead to formation of lactic acid because the hormone somatomedin C ( involvedin the metabolism of lactic acid ), which formed 80% during sleep is notformed, as a result aching body and occurs pain of the muscle is prolonged as asymptom typical of fibromyalgia.

2. Brakhialgia rheumatic.
Rheumatic in the arm, neck and shoulder blades that causedby a particular joint workload excessive, resulting in inflammation that wasvery painful in the muscle tissue elbows, fingers or other parts of muscletissue. Often experienced by lifters, gymnasts or tennis player.

3. Tendinitis.
An inflammation of the tendon sheath. Symptoms are often found in the swellingof the ankles and pain without showing inflammation. This is because ofinflammation in the joints tissue. Occuring because too many roads, up and downthe stairs, twisted, often squat and then stand up.

B. Artikuler rheumatic.

1. Osteoarthritis.
Calcificationthat caused by rheumatic and arthritis gout who allegedly aprocess of aging.Calcification causes joint cartilage becomes thin, causing cartilage ascompensation to replace bone that lost. This is causes of pain in parts whichexperiencing calcification. Most of osteoarthritis attack the knee joint, hipand waist down part, can also occur at the base of the fingers and thumb.

2. Spondilisis ( spinal osteoarthritis )
Occurin the neck ligaments and waist. Emphasis of nerve around the neck and waistcausing pain and stiffness, sometimes accompanied by numbness and a sense ofextends downward along the back of the leg. If until the ilium will feel painon the inner thigh down to the buttocks, move hard hips and difficult to walk.
If thesecond or the third of cervical vertebra have been attacked, the pain can feltin the back of the head, and if the under of neck bones have been affected thenthe pain can spread to both shoulders. Pain of nerve caused by arthritis of theneck bone and spread along the arm is called "neuralgia brakhialis",was felt along the legs due to arthritis of coccyx called askhialgia orsiatika.
3. Ankylosing sodalities (bechterew ).
The disease is caused by genes in the blood called HLA-B 27.

4. Gout arthritis.
Occur due to excess uric acid in the body, causing precipitation of uriccrystals in the tissue. Typical symptom is intense pain in thumb, usuallyattack at midnight or early morning.

5. Rheumatoid arthritis.
Representing of artikuler rheumatism is the hardest and difficult to cured. Themain cause is an autoimmune factor. Often attacked the joints of toe and hands,ankles and wrist, knees, hips and shoulders. Symptoms typically occurinflammation in the tissue around the joints ( synovium ) with a swelling accompaniedby pain.

Arthritis can also be caused by viral infection characterized by fever forseveral days, felt pain in the joints, bones and muscles, accompanied by redspots on the skin similar to dengue fever.

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