Bananas fruit containcomplete
nutrition that can benefit to restore the reduced energy due to dailyactivity
and has a therapeutic effect for certain diseases and maintain health.
The composition of ripe bananas, as follows :
- 99 gram calories
- 8 mg of calcium
- 1.2 grams of protein
- 28 mg of phosphorus
- 0.2 grams of fat
- 0.5 mg ferrum
- 25.8 mg of carbohydrates
- 44 RE vitamin A
- 0.7 grams of fiber
- 0.08 mg of vitamin B
- 72 grams of water
- 3 mg of vitamin C
The effects therapy of bananas on the health of the
body,among others :
- Bananas are recommended for consumed by pregnant womenbecause they contain high folic acid is important for the perfection of thefetus, the formation of the new cells, and preventing occur birth defects.Besides, the banana will help keep blood sugar levels can reduce sick morning.
- The composition of ferrum that high enough on bananas canstimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood for patients with anemia.
- Bananas contain potassium as a vital mineral which helpsnormalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulate the balance ofwater levels in the body, this causes a good banana is consumed when the stresswhich the body's metabolism increases dramatically thus reducing the levels ofpotassium body, because with banana is the level of potassium in body will bebalanced. Content of potassium in bananas also contribute to increased brainpower.
- Bananas are good for intestine disease because texture ofbanana that soft and can neutralize the excess acid the stomach and coating ofstomach so as to reduce irritation for people with stomach ulcers.
- In liver disease, bananas good for increase of appetite andstrength.
- Vitamins B6 and B12 found in bananas can neutralize theeffects of nicotine in the body, so reducing the toxic effects of nicotine.
- The enzyme bromelain which is contained in a banana canincrease libido in men.
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