Kamis, 12 April 2012


Circumcision is a term for cutting preputium that can be performed on men and women in order to prevent the gathering of smegma as a place for development various diseases ( syphilis, gonorhoe, ulcusmolle, genital cancer, etc ) so that guaranteed health and hygiene of genitals. 

In principle, all same technique of circumcision which the most important of all is how to minimize bleeding, reduce pain and speed the healing process. Techniques of circumcision that often performed including classics circumcision, darsumsisi and circumcision laser using ring with a vacuum.

Types of circumcision are :

1. Circumcision on male .
The aims to open gland of penis to eliminate the foreskin ( skin gland penis ) so that open at all.

2. Circumcision on women.
The aim to cut the external genitalia of female or intibulasi.

There are several techniques of circumcision on women as follows :

Pharonic circumcision.
Radical techniques with the lifting of the clitoris, labia minora and labia majora and the remaining tissue is estimated.
Modification techniques with the lifting of the foreskin and glands of the clitoris and area that abut with the labia minora.

Sunna circumcision.
Circumcision where only the foreskin of the clitoris that lifted.

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