Selasa, 17 April 2012


If there are bump around body area, some man assuming it only as a ordinary bump. Though, after be checked to doctor, without suspected,cancer have reached stadium three and even stadium four.

We do not realize that cancer of mammae at man generally more aggresive than woman. In fact, the man more easy to feel if there are bump mammae, because they do not have pad of mammae ( fatty tissue). This condition enable cancer spread more quickly to muscle of chest wall and the skin.

At some Its case, can occur gynecomasty ( growth of mammae gland at man ). In acondition this mammae appear is big. Some of gynecomasty can change into cancer. Problems which need to be paid attention is if big mammae, there aremass in it, or small bump appear at nipple.

If occur this matter, so diagnose can not be done only by inspection at bump,must be done cytopathology, that is inspection of tissue what there are change of structural and functional at tissue of mammae as a indication of cancer cell. At man patient, mammography cannot be used because this appliance be donewith nipping fatty of mammae, which be owned only by woman.

Concerning treatment of cancer, in this time be recognized various means, start from surgery, radiasm, chemotherapy, until hormonal therapy. For the cancer of mammae at man, many expert have a notion more precise be used by surgery.

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