Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Miraculous Food With Antioxidants

Define of free radical is atom/molecul/compound that content one or more free electron.
Because chemically, molecul of free radical is no couple so that tend to react with body cell molecule. Then, generate compound below par ( free radical that new became more of reactive ) and starting of reaction related which can destroy important cell. Example of free radical is superoksida ( O2- ), hydroxyl ( OH- ), nitroksida ( NO ), peroxide hydrogen ( H2O2 ), sour [of] hypochlorite ( HOCL ), thill ( RS- ) and others. Free radicals according to some studies has been known can destroy the infection efficiently, but often not controlled to mechanism in the body so that sometimes attack the cells of body and causes of cell death, which triggered early aging or even cancer.
In fact, reaction of free radical forming is biochemical mechanism of normal body. Free radicalis swiftly can turned into substansi that do not again endanger body. But, if free radical have time to come in contact with enzyme or unsaturated fat acidd double, will be occur early from damage of cell, as following :

1. Damage of DNA ( deoxy nucleic acid ) at core of cell.
Compound of free radical represent one of the cause factor in damage of DNA beside other cause such as virus, radiasi, and substance of chemical carcinogen. If damage do not too hard, admit of to be repairing by system of DNA. But, if became cause DNA chain broken in various place, this damage is irreversible again so that bisection of cell will annoyed. Can happened change of abnormal on certain gene in body which can generate is cancercous.

2. Damage of membrane cell.
All important component of cell membrane is contain fat acid of double unsatiated that sensitive of free radical attack. If this attacked can occur change of structure and function of membrane becames in a state of ekstrem that finally kill cell at tissue of body.

3. Damage of protein.
The happening damage of protein is effect of this free radical attack that including protein oxidation resulting damage of tissue, place for protein reside in. The example : damage of protein at eyepiece that cause cataract.

4. Damage of lipid peroxid.
This happened if unsatiated fat acid attacked by free radical. In our body, reaction between nutrition substance with free radical will yield peroksidasi, and then can cause damage of cell, assumed by one of cause the happening of various degeneratif disease.

5. Process of aging.
Damage of tissue is effect of free radical attack slowly can cause process of aging, like elasticity of collagen tissue and muscle is less, so that skin became wrinkles, the happening of chocolate pigment fleck or lipofuchsin in the skin.

6. Can generate autoimun
Autoimun is formation of antibody to body cell and can destroy body tissue and very dangerous.

Antioxidant represent mention for the molecul that functioning protect body from free radical attack. Naturally, antioxidant is very big its role at human being to prevent the happening of disease. Antioxidant doing all by depressing damage of cell that happened effect of free radical oxidation process. Antioxidant assist to discontinue process of destruction of cell by giving electron for free radical. Antioxidant will be done netralization to free radical so that don't have ability again steal electron from DNA and cell.

Antioxidant of body can be divided into three, include :
1. Primary antioxidants.
Primary antioxidants have task for prevent formation of free radical compound new and alter free radical that existing became molecule decreasing its negativity impact, before this free radical have time to react. Example of primary antioxidant is SOD enzyme that functioning as protector on destruction of cell in body and also prevent inflammatory process that caused by free radical. Enzyme SOD in fact there are in our body. But in these task require mineral such manganese, zinc, and copper. Selenium ( Se) also personate antioxidant. So that, if will be inhibitor to symptom of degeneratif disease, the mineral shall be available enough in consumed food every day.

2. Secondary antioxidants.
Secondary antioxidants have function to catch free radical compound and also prevent the happening of reaction related. Example of secondary antioxidant : vitamin of E, vitamin of C, karoten beta, gout acid, bilirubin, and albumin.

3. Tertiary antioxidants.
Tertiary antioxidants have task repairing damage of tissue and cell caused by free radical. Example of enzyme that repairing DNA at core of cell is metionin sulfoksidan reduktase. Existence of enzyme that can repair of this DNA have function for preventing is cancercous.

The role of antioxidants on health, including :

1. Prevent cancer.
Consumption of fruit and vegetables regularly can prevent the risk of cancer by 50%, as follows :
  • Consumption of carrots, spinach every day will reduce the risk of lung cancer.
  • Consumption of cabbage, broccoli and other green vegetables every day will reduce the risk of cancer of breast because of the content of a substance that can remove excess bad estrogen from the body.
  • Consumption of tomatoes each day will reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  • Consumption of fruit and vegetables, especially green or dark yellow and has a content of beta-carotene may reduce risk of endometriosis cancer.
2. Prevent cardiovascular disease.
Consumption of fruits and vegetables can prevent heart attacks and strokes. Patients with stroke that consumption of carrots or food containing high carotene daily can reduce the risk of more fatal events because the level of carotenoids in the blood are high. Diets rich in fruit and vegetable intake also helps lower blood pressure and can reduce the dose of hypertension medication until half.

3. Maintaining physical and mental abilities.
Content of lycopene in tomatoes, folic acid and B vitamins in green vegetables and types of legumes can improve physical and mental abilities.

4. Maintain eye ability.
Content of carotenoids, vitamin C and folic acid that many found in fruits and vegetables can prevent free radicals danger that can cause cataracts. Spinach also helps reduce the possibility of an attack macula ( yellow spots on the retina ).

Antioxidants are many found in fruits and vegetables is the antidote to free radicals as trigger malignancy with prevent development of free radical in the body, repair cells of body that damaged so that also serves to prevent early aging.

The type of fruit and vegetable that many content of antioxidants, including :

1. Berry.
Blueberry, cranberry, raspberry and strawberry containing many antioxidants to protect body cell from aging. Blueberry contain thrice more much antioxidant of anthocyanins ( producer of colour pigment on vegetable and fruit ) compared with red grape and also green tea. Blueberry and cranberry also assist to avoid digestive tract infection.

2. Avocado.
Avocado have task to protect cell - body cell because content glutathione that functioning assist to neutralize bad fat on food. In fact, avocado also contain many fat, but most good fat is type of fat that obviating oxidation.

3. Brocolli.
Containing many antioxidant especially sulforaphane. Brocolli also there are content of chrome capable to lengthen age and protect against damage that caused by glikogen and insulin.

4. Cabbage.
Cabbage contain molecul capable to protect against cancer of stomach and breast. The type of antioxidant which is especial to be owned cabbage is carbinol indole-3, that capable to protect against bad estrogen which triggering breast cancer.

5. Carrot.
Carrot contain antioxidant of betacaroten functioning as antiaging and fight against various disease type. Betacaroten assist to protect against eye disease and lessen risk of lung cancer. Orange pigment at carrot can push function protection of body.

6. Orange.
Orange many contain with antioxidant of glutathione that functioning as anticancer. Orange have unique fibre specially in membrane and fruit poke functioning reduce rate of cholesterol and risk of aterosklerosis.

7. Grape.
Grape contain around 20 type of antioxidant with task hindering free radical attack. Antioxidant there are at seed and husk of grape, progressively mature fruit colour so that ever greater content of antioxidant, grape with colour of purple and red more containing antioxidant. Currant contain antioxidant more much compared with fresh grape. Antioxidant of resveratrol is found on red grape husk capable to protect against heart sickness and a number of cancer. Resveratrol also can prevent coagulation of blood which below par and assuage process of inflammatory.

8. Onion.
Onion contain antioxidant with task prevent cancer ( especially stomach cancer ), cloting of blood and improve the amount of good cholesterol. Garlic and onion rich will be antioxidant of quercetin that functioning to kill agent cause of cancer.

9. Spinach.
Antioxidant which consist in spinach function to prevent disease effect of free radical, such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, problem of psychical and cataract. Most important Antioxidant at spinach is lutein, equivalent with betacaroten that function asantiaging. Spinach also contain of folat acid protecting artery and brain.

10. Tomato.
Tomato contain antioxidant of lycopene capable to lessen risk of pancreas cancer and serviks cancer, and also maintain function physical when strarting to enter old age. Lycopene also function as antiaging.

11. Tea
Antioxidant in tea so called cetechin, that functioning reduce risk of lung cancer and kardiovaskular disease. White tea contain antioxidant which is much more many than green tea. This caused by white tea taken from leaf which still young that processed with drier at sunlight. Differ from green tea or black tea that processed with steamed, snagrai is till dried. To get maximal antioxidant from all this tea, pour boiling water into the leaf tea with using new water boil.

12. Dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate contain antioxidant of cocoa which can prevent LDL oxidation ( This oxidation can reduce elasticity of artery and accumulation of plaque in blood vessel ). But this matter only there are in dark chocolate contain 85 % cocoa. Not applicable at milk or white chocolate. Other Antioksidan in dark chocolate that good for heart is lycopene which also can be obtained from tomato.

Source of antioxidant another are extract of ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, extract of offcinalis rosmarinus flower, chili, deity leaf, red fruit, soy, potato, gourd turn yellow, kiwi, watermelon, markisa, apple, star fruit, papaya, coconut, chickpea, maize, cucumber, seaweed, olive oil, cereal, etc.

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